Why 7.5 and 7.5.1 is not called beta?

Personally I am having no issue what so ever with 3 monitors here… Just span the entire cubase window across all 3, or in your case all 4. Put the individual windows where you want them… ie… mixer 1-3, trackview, effects… Even better save it as a workspace (within the project or globally)… and alternate between different views with your alt-num keys… pretty simple actually. Unless I am misunderstanding what your trying to get at… I don’t really see an issue here.

As for some of the other posts… boy… the trolls are out on this. But as usual, it’s the nitpicking and in most cases pretty petty complaints of many uninformed or uneducated users who either haven’t taken the time to get to know the software, or troubleshooted (is that a word? :smiley:) the problems with personal hardware that might also be causing issues. None of the issues I have personally run into on C7.5 would warrant calling it a BETA by any wild stretch of the imagination.

well many users say there are always workarounds with cubase, … and that is true. You can do whatever you want with 90’s trackers with workarounds either. When you buy a washing machine which is not working properly you workaround washing yourself manually. So it is a great washing machine anyway because this workaround is a possible.

.The solo defeat function of instrument tracks now works as expected.
.The solo button now works on external instruments as expected.
. Unmuting a folder track now unmutes all tracks inside the folder as expected.
.Muting instrument tracks and MIDI sub-tracks now works as expected.
.The “Mute” key command now works for instrument tracks in the Project window as expected.

i am just picking this ones, which i use everyday (or better: would like too). What are the workarounds beside not using them?

Well… the simple workaround of solo defeat not working would be to solo the given track that it’s currently not working on… The workaround for external instruments would be to mute everything else in the project… The workaround for a folder track would be opening said folder and unmuting the channels manually… Getting the picture? Again, that wouldn’t warrant calling the product a BETA. And obviously they are aware of what most of us would call small issues and are trying to fix them. And yes… every DAW goes through such bug fix phases after release.

The forum can be divided into 2 categories (maybe 3 if you include staff), the first are those that can work with what they have and the second are those who have trouble because they want the program to work according to their ideals.

The problem with preconceived notions is they detract from the task at hand, that is the expectations or desires we have of ourselves to achieve something, or the requirements of those around us.

Actually I would say this is wrong on a few points. If your wanting the program to work according to your ideals, then you should have done the research into said software to make sure it conforms with those ideals. And then of course, you have to go into any new piece of software under the assumption that it will have some bugs. The OP went out of his/her way to question weather or not the software should be called beta… This statement alone is sort of a troll based comment in and of it’s self. As with more than a few topics brought up on this forum, a post with such a title doesn’t really have a “task at hand” other than to diminish the quality of help or support that a forum should provide. In some cases the motive of some of the previous posts in this thread are clearly an attempt to debase or demean the product rather than actually support any constructive conversation. It might serve a forum well just to have a specific area for meaningless bitchfits so that they are kept out of what should be a more meaningful and constructive conversation. :smiley:

exactly what i said, … not using them.

Well if it’s broken currently, of course you can’t use it… What I was pointing out is that in most cases the workarounds are quite simple and the fixes are on the way. So they aren’t really in any way a “show stopper” or really even that much of an inconvenience. Main point being, as with most meaningless complaint threads, people for the most part are complaining for the sake of complaining or just want to demean the software. And this is constructive how?

The OP which is me don’t want the program to work according to my ideals, i want to work with the ideals which are sold by cubase. Lot’s of the fixes are IMO too basic. I have tried many DAW’s and i really never seen such evident bugs happening on them. Maybe it’s me, i am special one :slight_smile:

It might be contructive for Steinberg to be aware that something might not be working very well. Consumers Expectations should be took in account 100%.

The forum for less constructive conversations is the Lounge, where all troll threads usually end up.

As anyone with experience knows, what is on the packet either works out of the box, or will do by the time the release cycle ends.

And the reason those other “DAW’s” have little in the way of buggery?

It is because they operate using ASIO, without any features other than the mere basics that were refined over the years, or have a particular heritage but don’t compare to the market leader, i.e. Steinberg.

Nowadays almost all software development /management specially major software is using Agile Methologies here from wiki exaplains the principles.

Agile principles[edit]
The Agile Manifesto is based on twelve principles:[8]
Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software
Welcome changing requirements, even late in development
Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months)
Working software is the principal measure of progress
Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace
Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers
Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co-location)
Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential
Self-organizing teams
Regular adaptation to changing circumstances

Besides face-to-face comms, I think we can check all those boxes with confidence and great esteem.

I can clearly see that this will go nowhere. The title of the thread alone does nothing to promote constructive conversation and Steinberg is well aware of fixing reported bugs and how that effects their bottom line. There are certainly more constructive ways of reporting them than questioning a programs release status as beta. This alone is just baiting…

As for other DAW’s, I can assure you that after personally working with logic, protools, ableton, and reaper, they ALL go through such issues and are all fixed over time after a new release. To single out Steinberg as being some major offender leads me to believe you have a specific agenda. But hey, if you don’t believe me, feel free to take a look at some of the complaints posted on their forums as well. My problem is with your approach, which again, feels like complaining for the sake of complaining. But good day and I do hope you get things working to your personal standards.

You are the special one. If you cannot say specifically how Cubase works “with the ideals sold by Cubase…” how do we know that you’re not just messing about on your big brother’s Steinberg account? :unamused:
See there’s a big bug in the forum. Posters with “serious non-specific issues” seem to be free to roam. :mrgreen:
I await some sort of “indignation” as clear explanation of what is obviously “up” with Cubase. :mrgreen:

Cubase is certainly working with the “ideals sold by Cubase” for most. And they can all say why.

I think you didn’t read all my posts. Anyway i hope in 7.5.2 will be working has i expected 4 months ago.

I think the real issue here is frustration with the program since it is obvious that most people who complain are die hard Cubase fans anyway and merely want to see it improve in their eyes.

well that i agree

Cubase 7.5.1 works really good for me, no apparent show-stoppers. Actually it works better for me than anyone of the big ones out there(Logic, PT11 are the ones i have extensive experience on with a bias in my knowledge towards Logic).
What I mean is that it doesn´t feel beta. If you want beta, try LPX and come back here after trying to produce a full modern production, and tell us all about it.

Hi All

Just scanned through this thread and was vaguely amused at the use of Washing machines as an example. Should’ve used Tape Machines instead. I remember the days of 8 and 16 track tape machines, one had had to do silly things like maintain them yourself, clean heads, realign stuff (Imagine us trying to rewrite some Cubase code :open_mouth: :confused: ) Load and store tapes…Also in some cases the machines would be faulty when you got them, that would cause havoc, and there weren’t any workarounds. Yes Steiny should pay attention to a few things (each of us has different priorities as to what)but considering what we can do with a computer and some software now,phew, sorry people, just had to mention it :smiley: so this Beta thing is really not much of an issue relative to those problems.

Best Regards


Couldn’t agree more… The kids these days have it WAY to easy… :smiley: I don’t miss analogue in the slightest… :smiley: