Maybe after someone with an actual Late 2013 MacBook Pro Retina, either confirms or denies
that when they plug headphones directly into THIS laptop’s headphone out jack, with no added soundcard, launches a session,
exports it to their desktop, plays it from the desktop, (no need to launch iTunes) Compares it to Cubase stereo outs,
confirms or denies that there either is or is not any reason for concern, Then I’ll be impressed with responses that it
“is not what anyone else is experiencing” and “there’s nothing to deal with”. I did respond to “settings” questions, I made it
clear that the file sounds the same in my car, on my phone and iTunes. My iTunes settings are just fine on default. Furthermore,
It’s all subjective, but subtle changes to a mix, after it’s already been mixed and exported, is! huge and this is not subtle.
Previously I gave descriptions of “lo-fidelity” and “increased upper mids” but after I humbly fessed up on my last entry,
and the initial shock of hearing my export on consumer converters subsided, I concluded these converters must be the culprit
and now I believe maybe it’s because of the lack of definition they impart, giving a perception of "lacking fidelity”
because of upper mid harshness. I don’t presume to know and simply ask, on a forum I’ve always known to be friendly,
“How do most of you deal with this?” If you are reading this, and you are someone who presumes to speak for everyone,
I may not have any use for that kind of response. But if you regularly use a Late 2013 MacBook Pro Retina, I would really
appreciate if you tested this on your machine in the way I described above. Or chime in if you have solutions for similar issues.