Is this something that you’ve had happen for ages, or it just started more recently?
I.E. After something like updating from Sonic SE 3.4 or 3.5 to Sonic 7? After installing or upgrading to HALion 7?
Have you more recently updated any of the sounds for HALion/Groove Agent to use the newer dongle-free Steinberg Licensing system (Sonic 3.5.10 and later can work dongle free with a qualifying host such as Cubase/Nuendo 12, or Dorico 4 provided one also takes the latest HSSE library updated in Stienberg Download Assistant)?
It’s a shot in the dark, but some of us ran into some glitches (Steinberg hosts that ‘hang/freeze’, but don’t ‘crash’ or produce crash-dumps) since upgrading to Dorico 4/Cubase 12, and more recently HALion/Sonic 7 that seem to have something to do with the newer mediabay server.
Over in the Dorico forum it was suggested to do this for the time being and it seems to solve a lot of problems for me.
Since starting that manually and leaving it running I’ve had fewer issues. The command line is:
start "" "%programfiles%\Steinberg\MediaBay\SteinbergMediaBayServer.exe" "--usermode" "--standalone" "--keeprunning"
I’m not sure this is relevant at all for Cubase 11, but if you’ve taken Sonic/HALion 7 or related updates/upgrades lately it’s worth a shot.
I keep this batch file:
Start And Keep Server (293 Bytes)
on my desktop and run that after booting if I know I’ll be using Cubase.