Why I dont use Cubase stock plugins; a message to Steinberg

I understand the complaint and I also have a lot of complaints about weird choices steinberg makes, especially the default settings which are really bad for a lot of things (mute pre-send when muted? What kind of stupid setting is that and why would that ever be useful?!) but this really seems like a sour grapes type of post by someone who thinks their way is the only good way and doesn’t like change.

It’s wonderful that you have time to “only record people playing actual instruments” but there are plenty of people using midi and VSTs to produce great tracks and they’re making money off them too. I don’t know why you “stopped using midi 25 years ago” but that makes your use of Cubase especially paradoxical because Cubase started life as a midi program and gained mixing capabilities over time. Why not switch to Logic or Ableton Live? Not using MIDI with Cubase is like not using layers in Photoshop… are you sure you’re in the right place?

In terms of features changing, you should be well-versed enough in the concepts that drive those features to be able to adapt to new interfaces. In terms of being able to re-visit work in the future: It’s just like master tapes back in the day; backup your files in environment-agnostic formats so the worst-case scenario is that you have to re-mix. I haven’t seen anything in Cubase change in an unreasonably fast fashion.

Thanks for your reply but…
You prob should read all the posts in context

Love beneficial change. It was never my way and as @delta explained
I posted a topic asking how to achieve just 1 band of the behaviour in native ie is their replacement functionality because its a basic of mixing (even mixing midi gen tracks)…its not a personal view; its a very basic part of HDR manipulation

No…read my summary.

Midi is a great language; we made our own lighting controllers back when there were none and DMX wasnt a thing.
etc. Sorry I wasnt clear re midi…in context;stopped using as the main seed/content for music. Cubase had midi nailed on the atari tbh…still had logical editor etc everything else is just welcome cream. It is a great control language for automation…but thats what it is, a control language. Midi is secondary and I dont even think about it…

Of course…its all just art and opportunity. I love Kraftwerk…‘Robots’ is seminary for hard Q stylistic feel too but I also love Clannad, Zeppelin, Depeche Mode, Vivaldi blah blah…they are all people’s art.

Um You prob should read all the posts in context…I program remotes scripts for manufacturers (for Live). I use Live as main performance tool. Cubase+Live is great. Midi is trivial…which still needs to mixed and thats where Cubase has become absolutely excellent…hmm wonder why most plugs are vst?? Maybe because they started that and when did that happen? hmm well after midi and why is that.
Imvho, Cubase has the best mixer but I havent tried studio one/reaper…(I have FL, PT, Logic, Live)

There is nothing wrong with the interface…this was never a UI/UX issue, it was always about an incredible tool that was thrown out with the bathwater and I did the right thing by stopping using all the other stuff because…so far…have not been let down (even though Cubase integration is wonderful eg channel strips)

My point is…people. Thats the centre piece in music…connection and sharing. I spent years doing music as 1 person running everything, just like the predominance is now. Sure, you can do everything but as they say; Jack of All Trades, Master of None (1)
After taking a break from tech…and just doing percussion etc, reuniting with actual live playing made me realise the beauty and mental health of interdependence and looking to others.

That is and never was the issue. Steinberg have been great at that.

I think this thread has unearthed some interesting history and observations.

There has been history of great stuff, that disappeared for one reason or another (not only in Cubase or with Steinberg or with other music software, but a phenomenon that can be seen in many different industries).

There are simply no guarantees that the priorities and business arrangements of sellers continue to line up with the priorities and emotions of buyers over longer stretches of time.

And sometimes it’s just mistakes, because who is really perfect? And some mistakes may have been in how something was included, rather than that it was discontinued.

And the resulting pain points are real. – Sometimes relationship ending. Sometimes just reason for a good little rant.

Pretty much like in any longer term relationship :crazy_face:


Good response @Nico5

Well its all just helping model what we do in the future.
I have looked and looked without a close replacement for the plug but yeah, I def have let it go but its really illustrated that its not just about the tools, its about the audience and level of understanding eg the other post about upward compression…the consensus is naturally driving it but if its driven by an area of ignorance (not offensively) then what can be said?

Ill leave it at that…sulk in the corner periodically and cry a bit…Ill be alright lol

Melda seems to have the closest but its seems its not internal 32bit; as soon as it hits 0 (+12 I think) its clipping. Good plugs can be hammered with as much as you want…yeah sorry Im not fan of the overhype of gain staging in a 64 bit engine…bit ridiculous really but thats another story


$sulkAndCryLevel = $knowledgeLevel * $strengthOfOpinion


Lol…lol…still lol

$sulkAndCryLevel = $knowledgeLevel * $strengthOfOpinion ^ $senseOfLoss
There is no other solution than to cry…

1 Like

Of course…its all just art and opportunity. I love Kraftwerk…‘Robots’ is seminary for hard Q stylistic feel too but I also love Clannad, Zeppelin, Depeche Mode, Vivaldi blah blah…they are all people’s art.

Those examples demonstrate how off base you are on MIDI and VSTs though. I’m not talking about music that sounds like it was made on a 1980’s synth. I’m talking about using MIDI to control VSTI’s sampled from real instruments with complex controls to simulate actual playing. These are expensive tools that are being used in movie and music production all the time and the level of control you have usually far outweighs the “realness” of something recorded on mics.

There is nothing wrong with the interface…this was never a UI/UX issue

But I think it is. People provided you examples of alternatives and it really seems more like you haven’t learned how to use what superseded your favorite plugin, specifically the multiband compressor. You want the new multiband compressor to work exactly as the old one but it doesn’t need to nor should it. It may be worth a whole new thread to dive into what changed but the current MB compressor is more than competent for what a MB compressor should be used for.

Really? The examples were extremes and foundational…the current top playlist tells me there is still more hardq than anything else, EDM is mostly hardq (it would seem as an evolution of eg Robots)

My current fav playlist is prob Hans Zimmer ‘Dune’, Skald, Sona Jobarteh, Billie Eilish, Faun etc.

The orchestration is great (HZ)…midi or otherwise but its only a support to the instrument themes and sounds. Hans is a real inspiration…thinking about doing the masterclass

Your missing my point…its not the “realness” of a sound that we are capturing; its the art/precious moment that cant be undone. Something gets lost using a mouse to edit into perfection rather than capturing the beauty of that moment/frailties and it doesnt mean you cant create a great product using midi; but that disconnect always lacks something…human resolution is an interesting thing.

If you understood…Im sure you wouldn’t say that. Those that do, agree…and many thanks to them for the excellent input and pms.

With respect: What is “it” used for then? It is competent for parts of the task. I really don’t think you get it…it doesn’t and cant do the basics of multi stage dyn management that it could previously… else I wouldn’t have started the thread…I recommend you look at a YT by Dan Worrall on upward compression and the fabfilter…and that is the actual closest solution for me so far. Simply buy professional tools and manage the future based on the feedback to this post; why I dont use stock plugins…and its clear now.

Um yeah…using a lot of mouse work and editing and thats ok and appropriate for some stuff. How much time do we spend wading through the myriad options instead of just doing the art? Ive been so guilty of it…hence me trying to alert you…days turn into months into years into decades if you stay long enough

Midi is a great tool…esp for realtime control as its primary strength
I (do actually) use various libraries as realtime instruments with complex coding to achieve realtime expression and capture the output as audio ie no midi
There is a great hand pan library by sonic coutoure. I listened to the best examples I could find…and the sound was great but the feel was very lacking. (I have played real hang drum badly when the first came out…amazing instrument).
I use a hpd20 as a controller for various stuff and the great thing is that is one of the only hand perc instruments that has positional data on pads ie not just dynamics.

So I coded kontakt KSP to use that along with even knuckle mutes etc…when put together you can clearly see the value of realtime midi and when its played by anyone with real world skill (even just a little eg me) it sounds AND feels right. Its super therapeutic to play…but still a long way from the real one.

Here is a quick impro if you are interested…funnily enough the midi timing was glitching after playing a lot of notes but cant be bothered rebooting…rarely gets turned off.


I just played a couple of minutes ago…

RE: Upward compression which in old MB…for anyone interested,


is a location recording I did last week with 1 stereo mic and a touch of the old upward compression, a touch of eq and some fader riding (its not mic hiss at the front…it an old church and it was windy outside); all about the moment. Its K-20 target levels although a bit hotter but the peaks weren’t touched which is what that compression does…if you have never had to use it, I guess it wouldn’t be missed or mourned over lol

One day AI will do it all for us…in the meantime lets not forget the human and spiritual connection of music which is why eg minimalism is so attractive; less is more…but this is vulnerable as each element is more focused and exposing.

Ill leave it at that…no more novels…I should get to work and do hope you get what I’m actually saying (or I have been effectively been able to communicate it).

Id love to hear what you do…maybe put a link up here or pm so we can hear what you get up to; that would be cool?


That’s just the nature of software and it’s development in my opinion. I can’t even count the number of long defunct plug ins I have. Some were just discontinued or no longer supported, many of the developers don’t even exist anymore. Waves is more the exception that proves the rule here in my opinion.

Yeah I get it…
Another example
East West Gold - French Horns (2005 I think)
Still brilliant and playable, Kontakt still loads and runs it no problems…was a pricey investment but still using it…like good tools should…Although Kore and Absynth arent quite so exemplary :-/

Main pain is Multiband from SX…just plain brilliant and still unmatched…but easily misunderstood