Why is the distance of the top staff to the top margin not constant?

Here’s what I mean:

I’ve resetted all the vertical staff spacing, but it’s still there. It seems it’s the fact that page 7 has an ossia. I understand this specific page needing more space, but I believe the spacing should revert to the layout of the previous pages once the ossia stops. I’d like all pages to have the top line of the top staff aligned (and the same with the bottom).

I’ve played with Layout Options > Page setup > Music frame margins and with some of the vertical spacing parameters, but it doesn’t fix it.

Ideally, I’d like all the pages that have no ossias to have identical staff spacing, since there’s always enough space for everything. However, not even copy staff spacing fixes it.


It’s nigh-on impossible to tell from a screenshot, but the fact that the page numbers are screwy would normally indicate that there are page overrides going on. Try removing them, particularly if you’ve manually adjusted the padding at the top or bottom of any of the frames.

Oh, and Copy Staff Spacing only works if the same number of staves exists on the source and destination pages, so don’t expect to work if one of the pages contains an ossia.

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The top edge of the music frame on the two middle pages in your screenshot extends to the very top of the page margins, whereas for the pages either side they stop just below the page number text frame’s bottom margin.

Here’s some information about margins with related links at the bottom for further information/steps.

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I stand corrected - @Lillie_Harris’s eyesight is clearly better than mine - good spot :wink:

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Ouch, I wasn’t aware music frames could be resized without using another template, my bad.


You can resize any frame – for frames that come from a page template, editing them locally on one page creates a local page override.

Another idea to be aware of about Left / Right pages in a single page template – the left/right pages in a page template pair can be different; if you only edit the right page, any even-numbered pages using that page template won’t be changed because that side of the template hasn’t changed.

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