Rewrite your post with the tag “Feature Request,” and according to this post, it will get the attention of program developers at Steinberg. I’m putting one out now as I agree that after almost 13 years, the Expression Map Editor needs to be vastly improved. The format looks like a spreadsheet but does not allow data entry like a spreadsheet. I spend many minutes trying to catch the double-click function to switch to text editing in the articulations listing.
Hello, Steinberg program developers. Could the Expression Map Editor be more like an Excel spreadsheet, please? The current format, and there is unanimous consent on this, is, well . . .
Program changes can be time-consuming and, therefore, costly. This is worth a watch " Why You Shouldn’t Write a DAW - David Rowland - ADC23"
The Expression Map editor really, really does need a major overhaul. Multiple clicks consume a lot of time for the user, and it is maddening to end up in the wrong box after clicking too fast or too slow. I’m speaking of the articulations listing in the articulations section of the output mapping.
Steinberg already know that expression maps are outdated and poorly implemented. There are lots of people that have petitioned them. I have not used it, but Dorico I think has updated them. They are just ignoring user requests, which is insulting to users after 13 years, no other way to look at it.
MIDI 2 would be your answer - plug and play apps. No set up. But it is also in the doldrums years of promise but no significant products bar one Roland keyboard and a synth.
There may be other options or methods to achieve a more intuitive way to create Articulation Maps.
Midi 2, might or should be able to offer a solution, it appears to offer micro tuning and per note expression in its development strategy, I’m sure someone with greater knowledge than me will correct me if I am wrong.
Best regards
Well, on the topic of Exp Maps, the big thing with MIDI 2.0 is Orchestral Articulation Profiles, but I have yet to see it in action, and no one has announced any intent to implement it in existing products.
So the whole MIDI 2.0 thing as a concept is great and all, but consumers haven’t been given anything compelling to look forward to in the near future. I miss the days of teasers, and dev blogs; active engagement of the user base.