Wiggly Line Gliss marking symbol

Is there a way to tell Dorico which symbol to use when it makes a “Wiggly Line” glissando? I’ve found that for both Bravura and Finale Maestro, it is using the “Wiggle trill fastest” symbol from the “Edit Music Symbol” window, but other fonts (like Finale Broadway) use the “Wiggle trill” symbol. Really, I’d just like it to use the “Glissando wiggle segment” but I can’t find anyway to tell it to use that, aside from changing the glyph used for one of the above symbols, which will in turn affect any other lines using that glyph.

As a 20+ year Finale user, one way to make former Finale users happy would be to make the Finale fonts default to whatever their “Glissando wiggle segment” glyph is, rather than the odd choice of using trill symbols.

Hi Michael, and welcome to the forum!

If you want to change one straight gliss line to wiggly, select it and, in Properties (the lower zone), change the Glissando style.

If you want the wiggly line style everywhere, there is a setting in Engraving Options > Glissando Lines. Check out the other options there too. The “gliss.” text shows only if there is enough room for it (unless you turn it off).

If you want all your future projects to use the style, click the Save As Default button in the lower-left corner of Engraving Options.

I find that changing the font via Library > Music Fonts… does indeed change the wiggle segment glyph along with it.