[WIKI] All Key Commands in Cubase 11.0.41

Commands: Project

Command Default Key Function My Rating Link
Auto Fades Settings Brings up the “Auto Fades - Project” window, where we can select if auto fades will occur, and adjust their curves. 5 Auto Fades Dialog
Beat Calculator Brings up the Beat Calculator window, where we can tap a tempo and insert it into the Tempo Track. 7 Beat Calculator
Bring To Front Brings the Project window to the front, and gives it focus. 10 Project Zone
Colors Alt Shift S Brings up the Project Colors Setup window. 10 Project Colors Setup Dialog
Divide Track List Creates/Removes a line that divides the project window in two horizontal segments. 4 Dividing the Track List
Duplicate Tracks Self-explanatory. 3 Duplicating Tracks
Folding: Fold Tracks Closes the selected folder(s). 6 Track Folding Menu
Folding: Toggle Selected Track Opens/Closes ONE selected folder. 7 Track Folding Menu
Folding: Toggle Tracks Opens/Closes ALL folders. 7 Track Folding Menu
Folding: Unfold Tracks Opens the selected folder(s). 6 Track Folding Menu
Move Selected Tracks to New Folder Self-explanatory. 8 Track Folding Menu
Notepad Opens the Project Notepad 2
Open Browser Ctrl B Opens the Project Browser window. 10 Project Browser
Open Layout… Opens the “Open Layout” window for scores. 8 Open Layout Dialog
Open Markers Ctrl M Brings up the Markers window 10 Markers Window
Open Pool Ctrl P Brings up the Pool 10 Pool Window
Open Tempo Track Ctrl T Brings up the Tempo Track 10 Tempo Track Editor
Remove Empty Tracks Self-explanatory. If a track contains no data, it will be removed. 7 Removing Empty Tracks
Remove Selected Tracks Shift Del Self-explanatory. 10 Removing Selected Tracks
Select Track: Add Next Adds the next track to the selection. 10 Selecting Tracks
Select Track: Add Prev Adds the previous track to the selection. 10 Selecting Tracks
Select Track: Next Selects the next track. 10 Selecting Tracks
Select Track: Prev Selects the previous track. 10 Selecting Tracks
Set Timecode Brings up the Set Timecode at Cursor window, where we can choose the start time of the Timecode. 4
Set Track/Event Color Alt Shift C Brings up the Colorize Selected Tracks Panel, to colorize selected tracks (and events). It remains open, allowing to colorize tracks (or events) in batches or one after the other. 10 Colorizing Selected Tracks
Setup Shift S Brings up the Project Setup window. 10 Project Setup Dialog
Tempo Detection… Brings up the Tempo Detection Panel. A selection must be made first. 6 Tempo Detection Panel
Track Controls Settings Brings up the Track Controls Settings window, in which we can customize the information and buttons shown on each track type. 6 Track Controls Settings Dialog
Track Preset: Next Loads the next Track Preset. 5 Track Presets
Track Preset: Open Browser Opens the Track Preset Browser, to choose a Track Preset for the selected track. If many tracks are selected, only the first is affected. 5 Preset Browser
Track Preset: Previous Loads the previous Track Preset. 5 Track Presets
VST Preset: Next Loads the next VST Preset (for Instruments) 5 VST Presets
VST Preset: Open Browser Opens the VST Preset Browser, to choose a VST Preset for the selected track. If many tracks are selected, only the first is affected. 5 Preset Browser
VST Preset: Previous Loads the previous VST Preset (for Instruments) 5 VST Presets