[WIKI] All Key Commands in Cubase 11.0.41

Commands: Track Versions

Command Default Key Function My Rating Link
Assign Common Version ID Assign a Common Version ID to two or more tracks. 6 Assigning a Common ID
Create Lanes from Versions When a track has more than one versions, this command will create one more version that will have all previous versions as lanes on the track. 6 Creating Lanes from Track Versions
Create Versions from Lanes When a track has more than one lanes, this command will create as many new versions as there are lanes. 6 Creating Track Versions from Lanes
Delete Inactive Versions of All Tracks A project wide version cleaner. If you have your preferred versions active for all the tracks in your project, and you feel that you won’t be needing the other versions of the tracks - all of them -, you can issue this command and all the other versions will be deleted except the active ones. 6
Delete Inactive Versions of Selected Tracks If you have settled on the best version for a track and you feel you won’t be needing the other versions anymore, you can issue this command and all the other version will be deleted except the currently active one. 6
Delete Version Deletes the currently active version. 6 Deleting Track Versions
Duplicate Version Ctrl Shift D Duplicates the current version. 10 Track Versions Pop-Up Menu
New Version Ctrl Shift N Creates a New Version. 10 Track Versions Pop-Up Menu
Next Version Ctrl Shift H Activates the next version. 10
Previous Version Ctrl Shift G Activates the previous version. 10
Rename Version Renames the active version. 8 Track Versions Pop-Up Menu
Select Tracks with Same Version ID If you have used “Assign Common Version ID” to some tracks, you can then use this command to select them. 6 Track Versions Pop-Up Menu
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