Window Scroll Key Command?

Why not use the middle mouse button?

I use a Wacom tablet, not a mouse. And anyway, i control as much as possible of Cubase via keyboard shortcuts. This is a basic function for which there should be a k-cut!

Because not everyone works like you do. There are people who have been happily working away for 15+ years in this way and it really -hurts- to have to change something so basic to the ergonomics of the program. It’s insensitive.

I used to use it like that too, works great with the middle mouse button mapped to one of the rocker switches.

Learning how to use a program is all about adapting. Give it a try and see if you can get used to it.

In any way it‘s one more move to do than on a Mac. Plus the new generation of mice has the possibility to use the middle mouse button but there actually isn‘t a real button. What if I work with a trackpad and use two-finger-scrolling? … Like I said: every work around is one more step to do. If that problem would exist on macOS I wouldn‘t mind. But I already used it the easy way, so it‘s frustrating.

You’re absolutely correct. Over the years, there have been many seemingly ‘small’ UI changes that the developers made that turned out to be a big deal for users. Some were corrected. But it took a LOT of screaming of course. So thanks for lending your support. And I hope you’ll keep it up.

DJW is just being obnoxious, Trust me on this.



Hi guys,
I found this thread because I am, desperately, searching for a key command to SCROLL THE ENTIRE WINDOW. Not the playback position pointer.

We have “Auto-scroll” and that stupid thin bar at the bottom. For the playback pointer, I make great use of the number pad’s “minus” and “plus” signs (with “shift” to move faster) but the production workflow would be much better if there was
a modifier key to make this minus/plus affect the window scrolling when you need to.