Windows Uninstall Process for SpectraLayers 6, 7 and 8

I’ve just upgraded to Sound Forge 17 Pro and with it to SpectraLayers-10. I want to uninstall my older versions of SpectraLayers and the old eLicense Control app. Does such a process exist and if so, can someone please share it. Thanks.

Add / Remove programs.
Find the application you want to uninstall. Uninstall it.

It’s the same as any windows application.

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If you’re using SpectraLayers 10 as an ARA plugin, I recommend reinstalling SpectraLayers 10 after you uninstalled SL 6,7,8.

Don’t uninstall the eLicenser Control App. It will automatically come back when you start the Download Assistant again and there are still dependencies between Activation Manager and eLicenser Control app. This is due to some components that still rely on the old system.

The eLicenser control app is a tiny application and doesn’t harm, so there is no need to try uninstalling it.

afak there’s no need to keep elicenser at all with SL10. This only applies if using components from Cubase 12 and some others.

OP asked about Spectralayers specifically.

Perhaps @Robin_Lobel can confirm: If the user is only using SL10, is there any need for ELC?

That might be right, but as soon as you start the Download Assistant you get the control app automatically. So why bother with deinstalling every time.

I think there was a thread somewhere in the Cubase forum where someone explained that there is some internal relationship between the eLicenser control app and the Activation Manager, that can cause problems.

So, imho keep the little app and ignore it.

That was probably me.

There is a way to turn off the dependency of Steinberg Licence Manager on eLicenser Control Center, but doing so requires hand-editing a JSON file. Steinberg staff have mentioned how to do this in the forums for systems where the eLicenser Control Center is actively broken, but this cannot be said to be a recommended or supported configuration at present.

As we get nearer to the eventual deprecation of the eLicenser system, I expect that there will be an easy way of turning off all eLicenser functionality on a computer. For now, I’d leave the eLicenser Control Center installed, even if you no longer have any active eLicenser licences.

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