Has anyone experienced and lagging or unresponsiveness in their wireless input devices. My muse seems to jump about and various keys on the keyboard become unresponsive or lag greatly. I am using a Logitech Mouse and Keybd, the batteries are new, the drivers are the most recent.
I have a different brand Mouse and keyboard on my internet/email computer that I will try next, but it just seems odd that i hadn’t experienced this with 7.5
My issue is similar. I too have a wireless Logitech keyboard and mouse. There is a rubber banding effect with the mouse where the cursor either shoots ahead or lags behind my mouse movements. The longer the movement distance, the more severe the lag or jump-ahead issue becomes. At times it is so draining that I just want to quit the program. I wish Steinberg never went to the aero interface. I was perfectly happy without using it. It has cost me much time in troubleshooting.
I am on the very latest 8.5 .15 version of Cubase.
Have you tried the receiver in a different USB port? I have my Logitech receiver in a USB powered hub with Cubase Dongle, Ilok, and Waves stick. The USB controller that runs these is separate from USB 2 that runs my interfaces and the USB 3 port that runs my external drives.
On a side note: I have a mini HP wireless keyboard on my office PC that used to have fits of delayed response. I just dealt with it for a while. Then it just stopped doing it. Not a clue what fixed it…
Thank you all for your kind helpful replies.
I think it’s fixed. I recall that not too long ago I had changed some settings on the mouse to enable ‘trails’.
Today I went into the mouse settings and set them back to default. It appears to have solved the problem.
Also, in general the original problem is NOT a Steinberg issue and I apologize for posting it here. In time I
noticed that the mouse did this in other programs.
If you’re experiencing issues with a wireless mouse and keyboard, try replacing the batteries or fully charging the devices first. Ensure the USB receiver is securely connected and not obstructed. You may also try using a different USB port** or reducing interference by keeping other wireless devices away. If the issue persists, **updating drivers or resetting the connection between the receiver and devices can help.