Wishes video

I’ show more than 60 wishes in 2 videos

Part 1

Part 2

Goodness…! Great to see things together in one place like that Tim - terrific work in compiling it all. And with the comparison app view as well. I’d find many of those ‘improvements/enhancements’ added to my favourite Cubase, useful right now. :wink:

Lots of stuff there that others have already requested/wished for/dreamed of, many times of course. And, we go on dreaming, wishing, hoping…

And still, thanks for your efforts…!


+1 here for all those options showed in the videos!!! Bravo, Tim! Great job, man. I hope Steinberg would pay attention on these things…
I Cubase you can edit multiple MIDI tracks in one Key Editor, but it would be great if you can open them in separated Key Editors.
It’s not hard to be the best… just they need to pay more attention on the wishes of their loyal costumers, and to ask them for almost everything. They just can use Polls for that. :slight_smile: … and to work more closely with Cubase customers like Hans Zimmer and Harry-Gregson Williams… All these things are more than enough to be No. 1 in the DAW industry :slight_smile:
One of the best programmers, hackers and crackers in the world are Bulgarians and Russians… Steinberg can hire few of them to make Cubase, Nuendo, Wavelab… much stable on all platforms with less bugs than it’s in the moment…

Excellent criticism. I do hope the developers are watching these…

Cubase is great… I like it very much, but it’s not the only DAW on the market… If they want to make it more Pro, and to step with the both legs on the leading position… they must do the things I’ve wrote in my previous post.

Thank you for your feedback and nice words. That means so much for me.


Yes, the other DAWs also lack some of the great features of Cubendo, but that doesn’t matter when you’re aiming for the best DAW! One must always be as good or better than the competition, in as many ways as possible. I feel that with a lot of these issues addressed, there would be no question.

Here is video 3:

thanks tim_heinrich, great job man!!

If only someone from Steiny finally listened to our wishes and implemented them to produce in order to make the best DAW in the world!!

Awesome beyond words.



+1 Many features that could be added or improved! Mike.

+1 Great comparison videos Tim! Very well done!

Video 4 is online. I’ve found a bug, when you work with groups, that can destroy your whole mix.



Thank you for the great feedbacks.

+1 Completely agree!

These are fantastic videos and very clearly illustrate the issues many of us face everyday using Cubase!!

Thank you

Cool vid ( I watched the 1st part of Pt.1) and great idea.

One thing, tho. Pt.1 #5:

You can activated/deactivate solo defeat/safe just in the mixer and not the proj. window.

Not completely true! It is not avail on the track itself, but is avail from the inspector, which is part of the proj. window.


Here is part 4:

Three points are solved (I marked them at the video, have written some information)

Tim this Video is absolutely great!!!
I wouldn’t need everthing(and realize that some are problematic), but al lot of them are must haves!

#86 (Video Windows disappears)
this has to be changed!! but I’ve never realized it because it doesn’t happen in full screen mode

And a few points are already solved :wink:

#96 (Group Muting Problem) Solution:
Programm Einstellungen > VST> uncheck: Gruppenkanäle: Quellkanäle ebenfalls stummschalten

I don’t know why this even exists?!? it’s horrible and needs to be unchecked automatically!!!

#106 (ADR Click countdown) Feature excists
Under: Metronom Einstellungen>Metronom Optionen auf Zeitlinearen Vorzähler verwenden

#5 (solo safe) is even easier
You have to press the “s” Button with “strg+alt” on the track itself or in the inspector.

sorry for the german setting decriptions :wink:

@Xanomaliex: Thank you for your nice feedback. I don’T need everything, too. There came a lot of tipps of other users. Great!

#86 I’ll check the fullscreen mode. It seems to be a windows cause.

#96 (Group Muting Problem) Solution:
Programm Einstellungen > VST> uncheck: Gruppenkanäle: Quellkanäle ebenfalls stummschalten
Yes, this doesn’t mute all channels. But it doesn’t solve the bug: If you’ve muted some tracks and check the option, ALL tracks get unmuted if you unmute the group.

#106 (ADR Click countdown) Feature excists
Under: Metronom Einstellungen>Metronom Optionen auf Zeitlinearen Vorzähler verwenden
I’ll try this. Thank you. I would like to see this at the ADR menu. And not at another place. I don’t want to search.

#5 (solo safe) is even easier
You have to press the “s” Button with “strg+alt” on the track itself or in the inspector.
Yes, I didn’t know this. At the mixer you can activate solo-safe just by holding the left mouse key. Funny, that this doesn’t work at the project window. Why react different editors at different ways?

The german doesn’t matter. I am german :slight_smile:

I’m sorry but that was obvious :laughing:

AND your’re right!!
there shouldn’t be different ways to do the same thing, this is much to fragmented.

Most times I have a client sitting next to me and I just keep on working, if I have a solution (workaround)
and i forget to complain about it in the forum.
I work with nuendo for about 10 years, and this is just my third post in this forum :wink:

BUT there one thing you can add to your next Video:
Why in Hell don’t have the Cues in the Inspector names???!?!!
In the tiny Mixer they have! So there should be more than enough in the Inspector!!
have a look an the screenshot.

they had send names before they were renamed to “cue”.
I understand that for the most people it’s not that important, because they have just one headphone signal, or there is just one person working with this setup so you know what 1,2,3,4 ist, but if you have 5 engineers in 4 studios with different setups and using not only 3 Headphone ways, but also ISDN/APTX, Source Connect, VST Connect and a telephone patch… this makes your work much harder than it has to be, and it should be soooooo easy to reprogram it.