Without Words 24

Without Words - Vanhaye (Guitar+)
Paul Reed Smith Custom 24 (1991)
Fender Precision Bass (1972)
Effect Processor - Boss SE-50
Basic Recording Analog (Cassette)
Editing Cubase el 9


Nice guitar work. It looks like all processing was with the Boss SE-50? What was the effect or setting for the short guitar lick that sounded like a very intense Univibe? I thought that was a nice touch and liked that sound a lot.
Interesting stylistic choice to use the electronic drums against very 60’s sounding ‘surf’ guitar. I live in San Francisco and my favorite local band is The Mermen. The guitar work reminded me a little of some of their early tunes.
Here’s a favorite - Splashing with the Mermaid

Nice work. Look forward to hearing more. Also, very good video. It definitely matched the feel of the song.

Some more compression here for me. The drums get very buried in that dreamy guitar. Get the guitar pumping to the drums a bit, very subtle, just a bit and those drums will pop much nicer.

I like the song… except for the drums. It might sound harsh but I don’t like the sounds of the drums, don’t like the programming, don’t like the placement in the mix. I would throw the drum tracks into the trash and start anew. Your song deserves better drums.

Thank you all for the useful comments.
It is an old stereo recording with cassette recorders.
I edited this recording with Cubase.
I couldn’t improve more than that in my opinion.
All sounds from the SE-50, which I no longer own.
In fact, everything has to be done again, there is much to improve.

Oh, well, that puts it into a different perspective, I guess.
With current unmixing software, however, you should be able to extract at least the drums from the song and afterwards replace them with something better, breathing new life into your recording.

I intend to completely re-record the song.
I do hope that the solo sound retains its identity.
My experience is that I/you like the old sound.
Drums and Bass (real) will definitely enhance the song.

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