WL12 - Weird bug ? Montage template & Recalling sidelined reference track

I have created a montage template which includes a sidelined reference track
(the intention is the have an extra ref track ready when I need to load in clients ref masters).
However, as soon I attempt to recover the sidelined ref track, WL quits.
This happens every time I attempt a recover.
I have never had issues sidelining/ recovering ref tracks.
nb - possible contributor - the montage template I created contains the max allowed 3 ref tracks.
set -up - WL.12.0.10/ Mac OS 13.7.3 . Only plug-in saved to the template is the Steinberg tone gen. (on a different ref track)
Simple workaround is for me to just create an extra ref track when needed, but curious if anyone else has experienced this

If you have a montage where this is reproducible, please send it to me (without the audio files). Thanks.

I received an automated error message for including the download link in my reply to you
just following up to ensure you received or whether I need to send otherly …

Not sure what you mean. I got nothing from you.