Would Steinberg be interested in making an open source VST plugin? Like a synth plugin?

Just throwing this out there; we’re not talking about open sourcing the existing VST plugins like Halion and Groove or any part of any Cubase program, but something like, I guess for the synth crew, it can be partially or completely open source for stuff like Cubase, LP, or even Ardor/Repear/Avid

It will be copied and sold, but it provides a few things

  1. Groundwork for plugin developers for developing plugins for Cubase
  2. New features for end users
  3. A community for the music scene
  4. and a way for Steinberg to keep in touch with the plugin development community

What does everyone think? Steinberg?

Isn’t that this?



Halion can already be used to create custom instruments which can be run using either full Halion or the free Halion Sonic, which will run in most any DAW. There’s no extra licensing or costs to do so, beyond owning the full version of Halion.

Were you suggesting something different?
