Im wanting to learn PLE a lot more and atm Im updating my entire mix process after 25 years ITB; this includes simplifying a lot of stuff.
One facet that has always been important is a quick general volume balance based on initial impressions/client demo mix
My idea is that I want to be able to have an initial volume automation event that starts at the Left Locator and then at crucial sections of a song (just wish there was snapshot for the inserts :-/)
Macro Required: to run through all selected tracks and create a new volume event at the current cursor position using the current volume fader value
I think want to tweak after an ear break and do final rough levels. This will be using a PLE macro that grabs the volume events and does a ± 1db or a ±3db as that is all that is required but now that original rough level is tied to the event so it cant be “broken”
Then its a final automate top down to sculpt the emotion and some “focus” tweaks
The macro is crucial to the workflow which I wont bother explaining
This is not task for the PLE. Explore the Fill options in the Automation Panel, please.
Thanks Martin…but the manual says clearly this is an automation pass mode
I need to be stationary and write the current fader positions as an automation event? As I understand it…Cubase in automation mode can only write information in transit
Thats not how you generally work on a desk as explained in the example.
So it would seem that PLE is perhaps the obvious place? Or am I understanding PLE in a wrong way?
Live allows this ie snapshot fader positions and I recall that it is also on hardware console automation and protools as well.
I just want to do a very simple thing…press a button and have all targeted faders have their position logged at current cursor?
Does it mean, you want to create a ramp down/up from the previous node to the new one? Or do you want to insert 2 nodes to make a step? What would happen after the newly created node? Would you expect to ramp up/down from the new one to the next node?
Maybe could you add a screenshot before and after (while doing it manually)?
PLE cannot Insert objects.
No, no data automation (eg volume) has been created yet.
In the different stages of a clients mix; they all are relative to the interpretation of a baseline, the very first thing before touching anything is to get a basic balance. This means running through the song once or twice and getting the levels roughly placed but no automation is set at this time. ie if it is of a rock or pop genre, I will switch to an auratone set of monitors and balance kick, snare and lead vocal then fill in around it. Im not interested in dynamics at this stage…the song must work as is.
THEN we begin the mix process which is still all just volume setting in reference to the base line that was just established
BUT we need to lock this initial point in place by dropping a single volume automation even which is usually a bar or 2 before the song begins
This is where the function is needed…but you are saying a PLE can delete an event but cant create one?
Well thats a showstopper for me…any ideas for a workaround?
The Fill to Start is converting your user case.
In Cubase, the “Fill to Start” automation feature allows you to apply a specific parameter value from the point where you stop adjusting (punch out) back to the beginning of the project. This is particularly useful when you want a consistent parameter setting, such as volume or pan, to be maintained from the start up to a certain point in your track.
How to Use “Fill to Start”:
1. Open the Automation Panel:
• Navigate to the Automation Panel in Cubase.
2. Activate Touch Mode:
• In the Automation Panel, select the “Touch” mode.
3. Enable “To Start” Fill Option:
• Within the Fill options, activate “To Start.”
4. Start Playback and Adjust Parameter:
• Begin playback of your project.
• Adjust the desired parameter (e.g., volume fader) to the value you want to set.
5. Release the Control to Punch Out:
• Once you’ve set the parameter to the desired value, release the control (e.g., let go of the fader).
• Cubase will then apply this value from the point of release back to the start of the project.
This process ensures that the specified parameter maintains a consistent value from the beginning of the track up to the point where you made the adjustment. It’s an efficient way to set initial parameter values without manually drawing automation curves.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the official Steinberg documentation on activating “To Start” .
Thanks for your time Martin
I understood that…and use that at time during automation passes…of course it is a good feature…
but that means I have to do that over and over for each track or I have to click precariously with the pencil on the vol automation lane of each track? Its laborious and uncreative and just not ok for 2024 tbh.
Most client jobs are between 8-20 is stems…
Thats not very optimal? Esp for the maturity of Cubase and such an easy task in other DAWs.
In Live, you can even just do some python (copy paste most from Framework) and click a control surface button and loop through all the tracks…its done in an instant.
This s why Im so surprised that Cubase does not allow macro capability by third party by simply exposing the window handles and widgets as most other programs do…then Steinberg wouldnt have to even be concerned about it although PLE should be a prime candidate?
EDIT: I dont want to spend anymore time sorting out basic stuff like the mostly unanswered (in reality) posts I put up or the unsolvable basic bugs (like my Mackie control report). I put a lot of time in and loved to support Cubase but these basic issues bring me 1 step closer to Reaper Im afraid. Im downloading the demo today. Just getting too hard and all Cubase gets is more bells and whistles for the bedroom tweakers, leaving the professional users digging around in the dirt. I never thought I would say it…but I will see what the future holds. Unless I stop having to spend time doing all this…I think its time to count my very dear losses
You can enable Write Automation at all tracks and do it at all tracks at once by using either a hardware controller or MixConsole’s faders.
As mentioned, the control surface is so glitchy even banking with missing tracks as per my other posts re Mackie. I cant play hide and seek with the hardware.
It seems to have started with visibility settings which is a great feature but it should just be a matter of Cubase using visible tracks…but it isnt
Its just a hack, I understand but it just SHOULD NOT be this hard for basic workflows even the window focus and visilibilty of my other posts as well. It just doesnt suit my workflow anymore…its not letting me grow put just pushing me into corners and further frustration
Its no longer a professional solution for me…the more I learn, the more the investment should be streamlining my outcomes and instead is in going in reverse.
Hamburg ist meine Heimatstadt, auch wenn ich in Sydney lebe…aber die Entwicklung von Cubase fühlt sich nicht mehr deutsch an
But you are a champion Martin and I do appreciate your efforts…just too hard…I really just need to be doing music.