WTF - Layout missing?

First project in Dorico 3.1 - and… there is no Layout. Can’t switch to Layout pressing CMD-3, the button is gone from the top left of the main window (it now reads | Setup | Write | Play | Print). No Layout entry in the Windows menu. Now what do I do?

Sounds to me that due to a licensing error, Dorico opened as either Element or SE. Try restarting. If all else fails, sometimes I uninstall the elicencer and reinstall it after Windows has had a big upgrade. You can find the elicenser software if you google search: elicenser Steinberg

Thanks, of course I meant to say “Engrave” not “Layout”. You are most likely correct with the elicenser assessment. One of the reasons why restarting Dorico is a bit of a pain for me is because 3.1 often hangs with an elicenser error and the only fix is to restart the computer. Time sink.