X-Touch Universal Midi Remote (Native Mapping)

Interesting, but I don’t understand: Colored scribble strips are working in both our scripts, so there’s no need for an external software solution :tipping_hand_man:

I have been following this thread, but not really understanding it. I have an X-Touch over USB. I have added it to Cubase in the normal way with Mackie control. It works to a degree. Faders and transport control work, but other stuff either doesn’t work or I don’t understand it well enough for it to be useful to me.

Can somebody briefly summarize the objective of this work? What are you trying to accomplish beyond what works with the standard Mackie support in Cubase?

Thank you.

I wrote up on that in the readme of my script and I think the reasoning for @dctsys’s script is widely similiar.

Beautiful. Looks well thought-out and useful.

Regarding the 2 scripts, is one the superset of the other? Which one should be used?


It is all working for me. I did have to map my master fader. I don’t have the control room enabled – maybe I should. I think maybe the script assumes the control room is enabled.

not working… Cubase dnt reconize a midiremote file

PD: Solved THXs

They’re different… They were developed independently.

I think @bjoluc is more driven to build a better Mackie control, while I wanted to build something that used the XTouch in a way that made sense to me. Colour Scribble strips were definitely a big driver for both of us - they are awesome! Also moving it from legacy MCU to use the C12 Midi Remote means it’s customisable, and “modern”.

In the future they may converge in functionality (as we borrow features from each other), or they may develop in different directions. They are what they are… so enjoy whichever works for you.


Behringer_X-Touch One.midiremote (35.5 KB)

Here’s a rework of the mapping for the XTouch One (in Midi mode). I know there’s another group working on this, but I’ve not looked at their mapping, as I mapped it as closely to my Universal mapping, as I’m obviously using both devices. A lot of the clever stuff in the Universal doesn’t really translate, so its actually a LOT simpler.

Again the intention is not to create the most advanced mapping, but to create something that makes sense and is easy to use.


@dctsys - Thanks for this! I’ve just downloaded the script and got it running here, but I seem to be having some issues, and hopefully you can shed some light on them?

I’ve got my XT1 in MIDI mode (not MIDI rel), and some of the XT1 is working - transport controls, fader, etc. But I’m seeing some odd behaviour (which is probably due to something I’ve got set incorrectly?)

  • When I solo a track (whether via the button on the XT1 or from Cubase), I get four transport lights (rewind, FF, stop and play) illuminating, plus the right-hand four buttons on the row above (which are mapped to punch in, punch out, metronome and deactivate all solo commands). If I then change tracks, I get other LEDs illuminating.

  • The scribble strip text only seems to update if I go into master fader mode and back again (it’s then updated to the currently-selected channel, but then doesn’t reflect any other changes).

Really impressed with what you’ve done though - I’ll have a look at how the time display works as this is something I couldn’t get anywhere near when I was messing about with my attempted script many moons ago.

That’s weird… Sounds like there’s some other mapping/driver messing things up…

All I can suggest is obvious stuff - check that there are no other midi-remote’s up and running. Check if there are any old custom mappings or scripts from your previous experiments.

Did you previously have the MCU old-style script set up? That might be relevant, as it could potentially be running concurrently with the new XT1 script

I’ve installed it on my macbook (which hasn’t had anything else on it at any point), and while I’m not getting the solo/LEDs issue, I’m still seeing the same scribble strip issue - i.e. the colour and text are only updated to the current track when switching out of Master mode, and then don’t get updated once the track is changed in Cubase…

There’s a known bug in cubase that colours don’t update when you change them in the app, until you change track.

Changing track with wither the channel buttons or the mouse, and/or editing the track names shows up immediately for me…

I’m running 12.0.52 on an M1 Mac… If you’re on a different version then I may be able to test on those.

Hello there!
Last days I was testing your scripts and I think they are better than native MC script. Really great job.

I was wandering is is possible to have an option of sliders assigned to midi after pushing some button. For example when I want to record some automation on 1, 11 and 21 CC I hit F1 key and then X Touch is changing from volume option to midi option on sliders. It would stop me from buying separate midi device only for my orchestration things. Just an idea…

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great that its working for you.

I looked this up, and I there isn’t a way for a midi remote to send CC’s to cubase directly.

However there IS a workaround:
You can map track quick controls to send midi CC’s, so add quick controls to your track for the channel/controllers you want to modify. Then select the “track” encoder assign, and you’re good to go.

While I can see that this might be clunky if you already have a load of QC’s set up or you need to do this for EVERY track, but however it works there would need to be some additional setup in cubase, as you’d want to select which CC’s are sent.

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Thank you for this tip and your help. I will test it soon!

Your mapping is insane! It Is exactly what i was looking for, thank you! Also really like the face that the display show color. I might be doing something wrong but the display where it should indicate the bar and beat only show zeros, is their a special way to activate it? Also i was wondering if you think it is possible to configure the flip button too? I use it often and i can’t find how to map it :smiling_face_with_tear:

great that you’re havcinbg fun with it.

I think the display update is a language thing. I think the back end uses a localised string to describe the format, so if you’re using a non-english language the code needs a tweak to make it work. (not sure if this is a bug or a feature - theoretically different localisations could display the tine differently, but having to localise every midi-remote seems a lot of work!). If you are using a nob-english anlage let me know what you’re using and I’ll see if I can fix it…

Flip is hard… It’s a complete set of new mappings for everything! Are you using it for something specific as for example, using it to trigger send on faders or similar is doable, but a complete implementation is a lot of work.


  1. has this been uploaded to Github and/or source code availabe?

  2. will it work with an extender? If so, how to configure?

Its not uploaded it explicitly, but if you install it, then all the code is just a text file which you can find in Midi Remote/Driver Scripts/Local/Beheringer and edit.

It won’t work with the extender. Technically it wouldn’t be that hard - I’ve done a few multi device setups for the BCF/BCR (I’ve got a crazy one I’ve not uploaded that uses 2xBCF’s and 2xBCR’s for 16 Chans with full eq/sends), but I don’t have an extender to test.

If you are willing to point me in the right direction, I would be willing to attempt an extender integration (i’m a dev - code isn’t a problem - more likely would like to hear/see how you approach it).

One thing i’m not clear on is this: since Cubase identifies devices by midi port name, how do i specify multiples (ie main + extender), and how does it know which is which?

…and another quick side note - how do you get VSCode to work with the JSDoc mentioned in the API reference?

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