I’m trying to streamline my workflow which goes back and forth between Cubase and Dorico.
I’m working on a string quartet and I have an expression map with the various playing techniques .
I often go between “regular” played notes (defined as “arco”) slurred notes (defined as “legato”).
The issue is that then when I import the XML in to Dorico, I see “arco” and “legato” all over the score.
Is there a way to achieve switching between those articulation types in Cubase but not having that text output in the XML in Dorico?
I’d select all playing techniques and delete in Dorico, but there are some (like “pizz.” that I need.
I’m wondering if this is happening because the Cubase and Dorico expression maps do not match.
One thought I had was this: could you make a “dummy” expression map in Cubase that only contains the techniques you absolutely have to carry over (e.g. pizz) and delete everything else? Then after XML export you could reapply your regular Cubase map. Just a thought.
My cubase expression map only has the essentials. The arco is comething I could lose because I’m pretty sure that at least in this librarys case, if I don’t have an articulation that is considered an “attribute” (vs a “direction”) then it defaults to my arch sound. THe problem is that when I try and put in bowing slurs, those don’t work as attributes but have to be “directions”. It’s all very convoluted.
One actual “bug” situation seems to be with how cubase is handling tremolos. It’s kicking up an error when importing to Dorico and they don’t import. I’m checking the text output of Cubase XML vs Dorico xml for tremolos to see if it may be a matter of swapping text.