Yamah MX49 Cubase 13 can't Bank Select and Patch drop down not available

Hello Everyone,

I feel this is simple but I can’t figure it out. I have loaded the.xml for my MX49 in Cubase 13 but the drop down to select patches isn’t even shown. When I load Halion I can select instruments. When I create a midi track with MX49 as source the drop down to select patches/instruments literally disappears. What is going on?

Are you able to post the screenshot of the track and Inspector here?
Patch selection by name for a non-VSTi works only if a device is installed as a MIDI Device in Cubase. You mention an .xml file, is that what you refer to? That you already installed the MX49 as a MIDI Device? Can you post a screenshot from your MIDI Device dialog as well?

I was able to figure it out. My devices was listed twice in the drop down, I had to pick the one up top??? Not sure why it listed twice but at least it works.

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