Yamaha 01v96 and Mac OS 10.14 audio device not recognized


In the last days I have being trying to connect my YAMAHA 01v96 digital mixer to my Mac mini running OS 10.14 Mojave.

I have being able to remote control the Mixer via MIDI but I have not able to have the Mac to recognize the Yamaha 01v96 as Audio device so I can reproduce sounds from the Mac mini.

I have tryed several unistalls and Installs and searched in Internet but now i’m not sure what else to try, can someone pls provide me advise on how to enable the 01v96 as an Audio device?

Thanks for your support


Hi Zangarini,

I am not sure if any of this helps but I also use the 01v96 mixer with OSX 10.14.6 Mojave running cubase 10.5 /11

The way I have the mixer setup is by using Yamaha studio manager connected via a USB cable from the mixer to the Mac. To control the FXs and channel settings

To record audio within cubase, I installed inside the mixer the Yamaha MY16 Dante AUD1. I have version 1 but the current one is Yamaha MY16 Dante AUD2. This is connected to pc/mac via Ethernet cable.

With the MY16 Dante card you get the Dante Virtual soundcard another program that communicates with the mixer and pc/Mac.

I had problems as I just recently upgraded from mountain lion to Mojave and my Dante Virtual soundcard and Yamaha studio manager would not open in Mojave. The only solution I found was to disable SIP - System Integrity Protection

To disable SIP

  1. Turn off your Mac (Apple > Shut Down).
  2. Hold down Command-R and press the Power button. …
  3. Wait for OS X to boot into the OS X Utilities window.
  4. Choose Utilities > Terminal.
  5. Enter csrutil disable.
  6. Enter reboot.

Some one from Yamaha also told me they will not be updating studio manager for the 01v96 anymore or the foreseeable future and they also said to update to a later OS. Which is not possible on my machine.