Yamaha DM2000 (or other controller) with Cubase

I’m looking for a Control Surface that is both fully functional and visually impressive (for clients). I was thinking of the Yamaha DM2000 but can’t find any information on its controller abilities. Specifically, I’d like to know:

  • Can I control the EQ and dynamics of C6, using the EQ and Dynamics sections of the DM2000? Or do those sections only control the DM2000 internal dynamics?

  • When playing back from C6, will the meters on the DM2000 meter bridge reflect my Cubase mixer?

  • Are all the buttons, dials, on the DM2000 programable to Cubase? Or just specific ones?

  • The DM2000 is about 10 years old. Have they updated the drivers, internal software, etc., to work better with the newer DAWs?

  • I’m specifically considering Yamaha because they own Steinberg and I would think that they would have great integration. Naiive?

Does anyone know of any large format 24 chanel control surface with full Cubase integration for under $10K?

The Euphonix controllers comes to mind (they have windows support since a few months), I don’t have them (I do not use more then 1 fader at once), they look very attractive and handy!

By the way, what impresses me more is a big analog console and the option to do summing with such a thing say with 48 output channels from Cubase into the console (also handy for monitor mixes).

TASCAM DM-4800. You should get one with meterbridge and FireWire interface for something like $5200.

And if you really want to impress your clients:

go to 5:00.