Please allow us to hear the audio transmitted over a usb cable from the Montage to the PC. Yamaha advertises audio over usb but that is not the entire story. One currently needs to have speakers coming out of the Montage in order to hear the sound being played. The DAW can “hear” the audio being transmitted as it can record the incoming audio. However the Windows PC speakers cannot. this is strange. However the Stenberg asio driver works fine with vst plugins and we can hear those in the DAW as expected. But not the Montage. If this cannot be improved upon I would like to understand why that is what is the problem?
I can get it working with asio4all but would prefer the Steinberg driver to handle it all. Asio4all has 1 big limitation. While using it in the daw it is exclusive. Meaning we also cannot open up a youtube and watch it at the same time
also once I turn off the Montage I have to switch asio driver as it wont work correctly without the Montage being on because I toggled it “on” under Asio4all settings. Once the Montage is turned off, the sound crackles or skips playing other vsts.
So basically there is no one asio driver solution to make this all work with low latency. I would encourage exploration into what Elektron has done with Overbridge to show that a hardware device can transmit audio into the DAW and it sounds great.
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There are more issues if I try to switch to Asio4all to aggregaate the Montage with my Windows PC speakers so true audio over a singe usb cable occurs, the ESP Softsynth for Montage M starts having issues. I reported to Yamaha. They claim in the download that the steinberg driver is required. So really we need improvements to this driver.
Please let the yamaha developers know that the asio4all driver aggregation on windows with audio over usb is near perfect but I wish it has lower latency. Audio recording and playing the montage is smoother than even the Steinberg driver setup.
Its just plug and play.
All Steinberg needs to add is a setting like this. Just need the montage and the pc audio speakers to be enabled at the same time. And its really good

Steinberg Asio Driver works well!
not to hear the montage audio over usb with windows pc speakers. I woudl have to connect speakers to the Montage itself which creates other problems
Hello interested. I’m interested in making music, so I’m checking out the available |Trial DAW to be able to assess which is more user-friendly. Today it’s time for Cubase… Before investing in something, I want to be convinced of the rightness of my choice. Cubase 12 pro and only problems with listening through headphones from a laptop. Mixing with asio and other drivers did not bring any results. Is this what DAW friendliness is supposed to be about? Do I need to do a PhD in IT first to transfer ideas to a DAW? Please give me a clear answer - why can I do whatever I want in Ableton and not in Cubase?