Zero-width line still appearing in PDF & InDesign

I’m working on a piece with a considerable amount of graphical notation that needs to be added after exporting the PDF from Dorico.
In certain places, I need angled text, which seems not to be possible natively, so I created zero-width lines with the needed text as line annotation (I guess this is a quite used and known workaround).

Next step is exporting the PDF and importing it in InDesign, over which Illustrator-edited SVG will be added on a separate layer. Problem is that the zero-width line is still visible, as shown here:

Is this a known issue, a known limitation of zero-width lines?
Or is it an issue in the PDF export engine and how InDesign is interpreting it?
Plenty of workarounds including just removing the lines and adding the text in InDesign, but I thought it important to report it.

If you use either InDesign or other DTP apps such as Affinity Publisher, could you please check if this reproduces also in there?
Thank you!

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Yes, I think this is a known issue. A zero line will become 1 pixel. Try using a dashed line with zero width or a repeatable object with just a space.



Interesting that when the PDF is opened in macOS’s Preview, the issue is not there. A DTP program seems to need to show just everything in a file to allow for fine editing, then.

I guess so. Maybe @benwiggy knows more.


The DTP version of signposts.


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That’s what is called for in the PDF Specs:


Sorry Todd, should have written, Maybe @FredGUnn or @benwiggy knows more.


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Do you have any idea why on macOS Preview they are actually not shown?
Would they be printed on paper?
What would be a solution to actually create a zero-line width without counter effects?

LOL, I’m pretty sure I learned that bit of info from @benwiggy in some post years ago.

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As I said a dashed line with zero width or a repeatable object line with just a space or an invisible character I think.



Deleted, Jesper beat me to it!

Yes, I was reminded of this facet of the PDF spec when trying to create 0pt lines in Dorico for something.

We did settle on using dashed lines with no value for dashes.

I actually have my line setup like this.


In Dorico

In Affinity Designer

I was trying this, but perhaps not good because the line width is still 0?

You need two values for the dash-gap pattern. Try 0; 0


See my image above
