Zooming in Cubase... Driving me nuts! (Video example)

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way for me to zoom horizontally using the key commands G and H in Cubase in reference to the mouse position? Zooming to selection is not what I’m looking for… What I want is where zooming takes place where ever I have my pouse positioned even when nothing is selected, like how it behaves in Reaper or Ableton (Or even zooming without any reference at all like in Pro Tools) . CMD + Scroll does not work for me because the zoom scrolling speed in Cubase seems wonky at least on my mac… I get really frustrated when I am trying to zoom in/out and the screen repositions itself based on the selection / the locator position / the range tool, instead of my mouse and I have to re-do the zooming, re-set my selection/locator/range position to get to where I want to. I have looked everywhere but haven’t managed to find something that solves my problem, hope you can help…

Edit: Added the videos for clarity… as you can see when I’m trying to zoom the timeline auto adjusts itself either to the locator/playhead or the range selection, and I wish to disable this… When I’m working on projects, I have my playhead or locator somewhere I’m not interested in and when I try to zoom in to an area of interest, the screen auto adjusts itself, and I need to zoom back out, re-position my playhead or range selection to area of interest and zoom in again to get to where i want… hope that explains it better, thanks!!!

G and H ?

Left click in the ruler, hold and drag mouse down. Requires this zoom option to be activated in the Preferences.

Try using the Zoom tool.

Yea but this zooms in reference to either the locator or the selected area or the range tool, and that’s exactly what is getting me frustrated, as I would like to perform the zoom with G and H without zooming in reference to the all of these and instead in reference to the mouse pointer like Reaper, or just zoom with no reference/anchor point at all like Pro Tools

I’m really hoping to use the key commands G and H, as this is my prefered method when it comes to timeline navigation :sob:

Hoping to achieve this just using key commands ideally as I do not wish to change tools everytime I zoom :cry:

You and I and MANY other users are frustrated by zoom behavior in Cubase.
You can see my post about it here:

Please Steinberg friends could we fix these with an C14 update soon? Would be great !


Fully supported. There are a lot of navigation related aspects in Cubase which make you think it was developed in the last century and never touched again.

A few examples apart from the archaic zoom functionality ignoring track pads and to a large extend modern mouse functionality development. For example right click seldom gives the menu structure you would expect or often nothing is offered at all under a right click. Another not very intuitive issue is that the numbering shortcuts in the tool bar do not reflect the order in the tool menu block. Then there is changing the color of a track done by pressing the little button on the right of the name in the mixer console rather than a right click menu option. The extra work of having to link and in most cases after that change unlink tracks to be able to change the property simultaneously rather than just highlighting. Then of course the issue of the articulation entries of VST instruments which also seemed to have been developed for VST libraries with 10 articulations of 25 years ago. and more….

On the other hand there are many features which are very good.like the audio editing and you get used to the G and H zoom after some time.

Many of these not very modern navigation and lack of workflow speedup aspects. using mouse or track pad functions might probably also be because Cubase has to be both Mac and Windows compatible.

(To zoom faster I have created shortcuts for many of the track size related zoom options “hidden”under the little arrow between the two vertical zoom sliders. )

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@mavros agree there’s room for improvement.

AFAIK it was kept like this to accommodate the muscle memory for a lot of users who are used to the traditional Cubase default shortcuts. But you can of course change them to be in the same order as they appear on the toolbar.

This is a reported bug.

I only work with those. I never use G and H anymore.
and, as a macro

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Thanks, will definitely have a read! Hopefully it will get fixed soon…

Thank you, yea it is definitely quite frustrating. I moved from Ableton and Pro Tools and am now learning Cubendo, with full intention of switching, and although there are things I love about it, I can’t believe how for a DAW as mature as it is, it still have issues like these that are being overlooked which even the newer DAWs do not have problems with. And as much as I love some of the updates the Cubase 14 brings, I really feel like they need to fix these little quirky behaviours instead of just ramming more and more features half-heartedly… Hope Steinberg come to their senses

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Will defnitely have a go at this, but it definitely is still frustrating that instead of maybe just a quick ‘disable this behaviour’ option, you have to find a different approach to get things done… Really appreciate the tips though!

Good to hear that this in principal small issue is on the bugs list. I assume that this list is not publicly available? You can indeed redefine all shortcuts of course but I now slowly start to get used to 8 being the pencil tool and not 3. I have been cutting away happily thinking I was drawing in notes :joy:

I am asking because I reported a small bug recently in this forum related to the ADM files export of VST tracks by the internal Cubase Dolby Atmos renderer. Do I have to send a separate mail directly to Steinberg or is the forum monitored (probably not as no one gave any response to my issue).

Welcome to the club! Honestly, I finally gave up on that hope. I guess they cannot let go of a round of update fees in favor of just fixing things. No one would pay a whopping 100 bucks for just a maintenance update. It’s all about business.

Speak for yourself.

Yes, that’s how selling software works.

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Let’s stay on-topic please.