Zooming with mouse wheel like zooming with "G" and "H" keys

Could you please tell me, if there is any way to zoom using mouse wheel, like it’s happened with “G” and “H” keys (zoom connected with cursor position, not with the mouse position).
Thank you

Not anyway I know of.
My mousewheel has tilt, left tilt I have assigned to G and right tilt to H.
That works great for me.

smart move, @peakae, gonna do the same now :slight_smile:

Wise move, thanks. Even so dissapointing issue

I use Shuttle Express:

And use with left hand, and assigned the ring around wheel to zoom in/out and jog wheel to move project cursor.
Easy to config for any application through keyboard commands.

Two of those can be assigned on same system, but I think one do the job and mouse hand is free to do whatever.

Nice product
Except mouse, I have joystick. I’ll try to assign “G” and “H” to one of the rotaries)

Dear, Steinberg
It would be nice mouse wheel customization in Cubase to have. Samplitude has one…