5/4 (or other irregular meter) beat groupings

Is it proper for me to make a request here? I’d like to ask the designers of Dorico to consider adding more options for beat groupings in irregular meters. It took me a while, but I finally found what’s in the screen shot (Notation Options > Note Groupings). Unfortunately, what I need is [2+3], which isn’t and option. So each time I come across a 5/4 in my score I have to stop and create a new meter signature.

Also, would it be possible to add a quick (one key) method of breaking and connecting beams? I did create a shortcut key for myself to do that using F16 and F17, but for some reason it’s finicky and usually doesn’t work.

I want to create a beaming that looks like the following screen grab. I don’t think it’s possible in Dorico, is it?

The following is what I get in Dorico:

Screenshot 2024-10-02 at 11.50.05 AM

I don’t know if I’m going to say something stupid, but it seems to me that by entering the metre via the popover, you can indicate the desired grouping (see below). I’ll leave it to the experienced Doricians to explain how to do this.

About the second point, menu Edit>Notations>Beaming ; your can also see my thread on :

With a lot of meter changes the popover method is time-consuming and tedious. That’s why I made the request.

I did make a split beam shortcut, but it’s not working. Frustrating…

I discovered this setting in Notation Options:

With this selected properly, meters like [1+1+1+1+1+1+1]/4 will do what I want them to do. But the issue still is that with a lot of meter changes it’s really time consuming to be continually typing that much just to get one meter change.

And why doesn’t my F17 shortcut for Split Beams work?

May be, choose another keystroke ; for example, as I did, the / key on numpad. This work perfectly (to program it, Dorico>preferences>keystrokes)

That worked. I can now use keystrokes to fix change beaming. It never occurred to me that Function keys might be a problem. Thanks for the tip!

Assuming you are entering the same meter changes, enter the first one the slow way then when you need it again later, select it and alt-click. That’s fast.

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Yes, this is a really good tip.

It’s also possible to insert system and frame breaks this way without leaving write mode.

I’m not sure of this off the top of my head, but I think meter settings you’ve already used are available to select from the appropriate palette on the right.

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Thanks for the tip, James. That works really smoothly!

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Yes, you are correct, Richard. I just tried it and discovered there is an area of possible meters called “Used in This Flow”. That’s good to know about, too. Thanks!

I note that unfortunately “Used in this flow” doesn’t include differences such as 3+2 vs. 2+3. It just keeps the first 5/4 (however you have it displayed).

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Oh, thanks for the heads up on that, Mark.

Now wouldn’t that be nice…

(I thought it did but then I checked it to be sure!)