8.5 mediabay still re-scanning my user content at startup!

Hi greggybud

Re-scanning of Media Bay is fine I think every time you start Cubase

Have to disagree with this, it is not fine. In my case I want to have every user preset folder enabled (ticked)so it is available for me straight away. The fact that Cubase re-checks unchecked locations is another side effect of current Mediabays appaling behaviour.

As it is, when I start cubase and go to a track preset…the dam ‘scanning’ image appears over the preset window until all the user VST3 presets and Track presets have been scanned again. Steinberg honestly wants to waste my time with me waiting for presests to appear every launch?
BY DESIGN! …ridiculous.

Of course Media bay needs to be able to ‘update’ scan to see if any locations and contents have changed but this ‘rescanning and the rechecking issue is a joke’