I’ve been trying to live with this one, but in daily use the way the acoustic feedback works in the new score editor makes things quite tedious and maybe this is actually a bug.
When acoustic feedback is enabled it only sounds when you click a note but not when moving it or selecting other notes. This makes checking notes quite tedious, i.e. constant jumping between keyboard and mouse.
Should it not work like the Key Editor which plays the note when you move the note up and down using the mouse or keyboard shortcuts (I’m using option + up/down arrows on Mac in the score editor). Also I would have thought left and right arrows would allow you to select previous/next note with feedback too.
Possibly another related bug is that when you have a score with lyrics and you click a note and hit left/right arrow it jumps between notes and lyrics. If you are on a lyric, shouldn’t it select the next lyric, and if notes, select the next note. (Edit - I just checked and that’s what Dorico does in Write mode)