Acustica Silver crashing C12 on resize plugin window

As the title says Acustica Silver crashing C12 on resize plugin window. This isn’t happening in C11.

Load silver
Click resize plugin window…GUI goes white then… and poof to desktop



Could you attach the crash/dmp file, please?

Mac: macOS Console utility > User Reports folder or Crash Reports in macOS 10.15 (or ~user/Library/Logs/Diagnostic Reports).
Win: Documents/Steinberg/Crash Dumps


I’ve left the studio for today. I’ll send tomorrow. I’ve a lot of crash dumps from C12 unfortunately, this is just the most recent. I’ve been having crashing on load…I kill from the task manager but C12 stays loaded and appears in the list further down. Trying to kill it from there doesn’t work as I get an error saying i don’t have the correct permissions. I have to reboot to get it back to normal. Sometimes I’ll get it to load again but it has taken over my AXR4 and when it opens I have to re do all my ins and outs/control room etc :frowning:

I’ve sent about 10 crash dumps over the last few days.

I’m back on C11 now for clients.


Cubase 64bit 2022.3.30 (1.2 MB)
Cubase 64bit 2022.3.30 (1.2 MB)
Cubase 64bit 2022.3.29 (1.1 MB)
Cubase 64bit 2022.3.28 (1.2 MB)


Reported to Steinberg. Thank you.

Hi @Norbury_Brook,

All the attached files are freezedump files, which doesn’t fit to the description.


Then it must be crashing ‘poofing’ to the desktop with no crash/dmp file. Perhaps that’s what all the ‘0’ bite ones I have are.

Shall I try film it with my phone? it’s 100% repeatable here.



Could you compare the time stamp of the *dmp file, with the crash time, please?


I’ve just opened a new project and done the resize thing and cubase poofed to the desktop but there’s no dmp files created in the folder.



Generate a DMP file and share it via Dropbox or similar service, please.

Use Microsoft ProcDump utility to generate a DMP file, please.

  1. Please download ProcDump64 from Microsoft (~650kB) and extract the archive to a local folder on your harddisk.

  2. Run Command Prompt (cmd) as administrator (right click and select “run as administrator”)

  3. Navigate (in the Command Prompt) to the folder with the extracted procdump file.
    For example:
    cd C:\ Users \ \ Downloads \ Procdump
    Note: the dmp file will be written into that folder.

  4. Launch Cubase/Nuendo. You can work as usual. At any time, change to the command prompt and start procdump, to monitor Cubase/Nuendo for unexpected behavior (see next step).

  5. Launch procdump64 via Command Prompt:
    Cubase 12:
    procdump64 -e -h -t Cubase12

Nuendo 11:
procdump64 -e -h -t Nuendo11

The -h option will write a dmp file in case of an application hang. This might kick in too early sometimes, in case some action takes a little longer. Feel free to skip the “-h” option, if you are only up for fetching crashes.
The option -e will catch exeptions and the option -t terminations of the application.

  1. Prodump is now monitoring the Cubase/Nuendo process and will write a crash log, in case Cubase/Nuendo crashes or hangs. Perform the action that causes Cubase/Nuendo to crash and send us the generated crash dmp.

ZIP and share the DMP file via Dropbox or similar service, please.

Martin i managed to get a windows dump file from this recent crash. What email should I wetransfer it to?



Share the link via Private Message, please.




Thank you for the dmp file. This suppose to be fixed in the upcoming update.

Thanks Martin. Glad it’s something that was easy to see and fix.