Any macro/modifier to locate cursor where clicked?

Is there any method to locate the playbar to wherever you click? Say I hold ctrl+shift and click anywhere I want the playhead there. Any way to do that at all?

I’m in C7.5 but curious to know if its there in C8/8.5 if not in 7.5.

If I remember rightly, there’s a preference setting that will make the cursor locate when you click in an empty space on the arrange page. Not the same as having a modifier key but might do the job for you.

Yes I have it enabled already.

BUT when I’m doing automation, after I do the automation I want to preview my changes but to go back I use cursor (since clicking wont work with line/pencil tool).

If there’s a way to step back a beat (instead of to bar) that would be a good workaround for my problem.

There is a chap who has set this up using an external program… See this thread:


yes, see my implementation, and the corresponding autohotkey macro (i coded this for ‘cubase 7.5’, so occurences of this string in the code below may need to be exchanged for something like ‘cubase 8’, as well as the coordinates the macro zeros in on in case cubase 8.5 has offset its ruler area compared to cubase 7.5).


you may enjoy some other workflow enhancements i coded into my cubase:

setting up left and right locators on the fly using the current mouse cursor position (irrespective of its y-axis):

“pinch-zoom” using moushwheel and modifier keys:


#IfWinActive, ahk_group SteinbergSW
   MouseGetPos, xpoz, ypoz
   SetTitleMatchMode, 1
   CoordMode, Pixel, Relative
   CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

   IfWinActive, ahk_group SteinbergSW, Key Editor
      WinGetText, ActiveWinName, Cubase 7.5                               
      StringGetPos, notes_pos, ActiveWinName, Key Editor  

      if notes_pos = 0              
            ControlGetPos, xxxx, yyyy, w, h, Key Editor, ,            
            Y_Click := (LocateInRulerCoordinate+yyyy-20)
            sendinput, {click %xpoz%, %Y_Click%, 0}{click}{click %xpoz%, %ypoz%, 0}

      IfWinActive, ahk_group SteinbergSW, Audio Part
            WinGetText, ActiveWinName, Cubase 7.5                 
            StringGetPos, notes_pos, ActiveWinName, Audio Part                   

            if notes_pos = 0                 
               ControlGetPos, xxx, yyyy, w, h, Audio Part, ,
               Y_Click := (LocateInRulerCoordinate+yyyy-50)
               sendinput, {click %xpoz%, %Y_Click%, 0}
               sendinput, {click %xpoz%, %ypoz%, 0}

      IfWinActive, ahk_group SteinbergSW, Cubase 7.5 Project
            MouseGetPos, , , id,
            WinGetTitle, TitleOfWin, ahk_id %id%
            StringGetPos, notes_pos, TitleOfWin, Project

            if notes_pos > -1
               ControlGetPos, xxx, yyyy, w, h, Cubase 7.5 Project, , 
               Y_Click := (LocateInRulerCoordinate+yyyy-48)                                       
               sendinput, {click %xpoz%, %Y_Click%}{click %xpoz%, %ypoz%, 0}

            if notes_pos = -1                                      
               ControlGetPos, xxx, yyyy, w, h, Cubase 7.5 Project, , 
               Y_Click := (LocateInRulerCoordinate+yyyy-48)                       ,
               sendinput, {click %xpoz%, %Y_Click%}{click %xpoz%, %ypoz%, 0}


Thanks for the great suggestions. While AHK looks scary to me, I’d try it at some point in the future.

At the moment I got it to nudge cursor by beats by setting grid type to beats.

If all you need you need is to momentarily switch to the select tool to click, this might help you.

Send, 0 ; switches to select tool
KeyWait, a ; wait for key to be released
Send, d ; switch to pencil

As long as you hold down ‘a’, you have the select tool. Let it go you get the draw tool.

This is good only for the draw (pencil) tool, but since it is right next to the line tool, you could arrange you key commands so the “Next Tool” command is conveniently located.

Hey lucasbrooklyn,

I’m new here and just started using Cubase (my only experience is with PT). I wonder if you could explain what coordinates should I change in the script so it could work into Cubase 9.0. Whatelse should be changed in the script, if any? Is there a way I could reach you outside this forum? I tried to send you a private message here, but according to the rules I’m not allowed yet. Thanks man.