Anyone else feel Steinberg support is terrible?

Good luck in that search!

As an ex music tech student who knew the music life of many classmates, I can tell you that it may not take as much luck as you would imagine - if you are into that kind of thing.

As an ex Pirate I can tell you luck will only aid you in finding what actually exists. Cubase 9 would be the rarest of treasure, found by following the blankest of maps, read only by the dead, after canceling out the entire universe with a phase inverted copy of itself.

Cubase 5 was the last i heard off, but my sailing the seas for rare pearls ended quite some time ago!

Edit: actually I just looked on youtube and there seems to be quite some videos about it. But stillā€¦ threatening to use pirated software as a response to a lack of response is no way to act. You go join the Pirates if thatā€™s where you feel you belong.

Is this a trick question? :smiley:

My support requests are always answered in a timely manner (24-48 hours) when I receive the auto response email stating that they received my request. For the few times I did not receive the auto response email, I waited a few days then resubmitted my request again, got the auto response, then again, support time was good.

Bottom line from meā€¦ make sure you receive that auto response email.

Regards :sunglasses:

Do you think I am stupid ?


Regards :sunglasses:

Ignorance is not knowing. Stupidity is knowing but making the obvious wrong choice.

You decide if you are in fact stupid or not. What anyone here thinks does not matter.

On that note, please post up the crash report where it says which THREAD crashed Cubase so we can look at it and possibly help you since support sucks. Donā€™t need the whole crash report just the thread that crashes.
Im guessing a certain plugin is doing it.


not meā€¦ Iā€™ve been quite happy with them in the past few years.

If you want to get them on the phone - well then yeah, youā€™re screwed. I use this forum, and itā€™s usually an immense help. Whatā€™s your issue?

Saying ā€œI donā€™t want to search for cracked versionsā€ is not a threat - itā€™s saying the opposite - that I DONā€™T want to do that. That being said, when the subject matter of the message not being responded to is regarding the buying of the product, that is certainly one step in pushing someone in that direction.

I thought youā€™d of been off looking for mystical treasure by now.


Off pirating the 7 seas. It was my humour. My humour is very poor!

My last support request took just over 7 weeks to get a response, and then all the response was, was to download the latest version.


Yes, I totally agree.

I have been waiting 6 days for replies to 3 requests asking Steinberg why there is no CD burner with an expensive DAW like Cubase Pro9.

Steinberg support is not really terrible, but if you have a problem, you can wait like 2 weeks. Maybe better to phone them. I had the same probs when buying Cubase 9 Pro, Wavelab 9 and Halion 6/ GR4. I have to say 2 weeks waiting is a lot when you just paid for it. But finally i resolved the problems myself before steinberg did answer.

Thatā€™s exactly the thing wasting their time and not a support issueā€¦ Itā€™s a feature request. Which is done here. Other people are dealing with genuine issues and bugs that need fixing. Before jumping to hassle them please think about others first.

Edit: by all means send them an idea but I wouldnā€™t phrase it as a question or expect an answer. What would you expect them to say? Or do you think theyā€™ll magically add one with in a few days!!!

That is always the first response if you arenā€™t using the latest version. The first step to take. They may have known your issue was fixed in the newer version! The 7 week delay was likely due to them actually working on that issue. Iā€™m sure i read somewhere that they donā€™t reply to every request if itā€™s known and they are fixing it. This saves man power to find (acknowledge), help and deal with other bugs. We can even check for known issues as to not waste their time.

I feel that is completely unacceptable.

Can you explain please, Iā€™m not sure how to do that, based on Steinbergā€™s bailing, as described here Issue forum streamlined - Cubase - Steinberg Forums :

We have decided to reduce the complexity of this dedicated issue forum. > We will continue to collect your bug reports, but > there will be no managed ā€œcollectedā€ or ā€œclosedā€ sub-forums anymore > ā€¦ We could have made the decision to emphasise more on this issues forum and have a dedicated support agent and quality assurance engineer constantly work in here. But in this case both of them would not be able to > improve the regular support to our customers > nor the quality of our products.

We really appreciate your reports and we definitely scan this forum and use your reports to improve our software. The entries are still approved by our team members, > but we wonā€™t actively manage this forum anymore since we think that we can use our resources more efficiently if we focus on the direct support via the ticketing system and our quality assurance and testing processes.

Imagine how much longer than a 7-week delay it would take to get an answer from Steinbergā€™s Support Request if they had not decided to ā€œstop actively managing this forum ā€¦ to use our resources more efficiently ā€¦ to focus on the direct support via the ticketing system and our quality assurance and testing processesā€!

It sounds like we should be grateful for the delay being only 7 weeks! :mrgreen: