Anyone have any idea how to change pages in the VST Quick Controls?

Anyone have any idea how to change pages in the VST Instrument Quick Controls?

You thinking about changing presets?

Typical you set up 8 qc on the channel, save it as preset and make 8 new controls and save as preset. Now you can swap presets.

No, I mean changing the Remote Control Editor you can set up multiple pages of parameters for a VST Instrument. I want a key command (or midi command) to change those pages.

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I don’t believe Quick Controls allow you to change pages. I think you can page if you’re using the controls visible for an instrument in the rack, which is where the Remote Control Editor comes into play, but the track QCs were designed for you to assign a few key parameters and have quick access to.

Remote control of plugins is my single biggest pain point in Cubase. I came from Studio One which, for all of it’s MIDI related shortcomings, has a wonderful system called Control Link where you can map all of your plugins to hardware controls, and it would automatically save these assignments behind the scenes. The active plug-in window was the one in focus for Control Link, which is how you avoided conflicting mapping. Was light years ahead of Cubase. I’m hoping an overhaul of Remote Controlling plugins is in Steinberg’s plans.

But what’s the point of multiple pages if you can’t access them (except with the mouse)?
i know a user created a AutoHotKey script to change pages but I can’t find it anywhere.

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The Remote control editor is for the $$$$ expensive plastic controllers. If your controller is not on the “list”, you dont get the goods of using it. But you can store presets there too if you want all the hassle of using it?

It is realy simple to use the QC in the inspector and just save as preset. Any controls missing just right click on plugin parameter and assign control. It is basicly the control editor in the inspector.

You can also use the generic remote and make a bank system for the plugins in question, But thats a lot of hassle. I have my most used plugins set up that way with my hw console. Just so I can brake the 8 control limit and quickly bank controls. But it takes time to setup.

I do also use Autohotkey, but to run some custom macros. You can probly with some good timing and make shure the windows pop up in exact same resolution on the monitor, make a script to automate the mouse clicking. But that can get messy quickly.

You should give the inspector and save/load QC preset a go. It is not great, but it works.

And im totaly for a makeover of the Remote controlling in Cubase.

Actually, I do use the Quick Controls in the Inspector but mostly for plugins. i have Eucon and Pro Control free for the Ipad (which I love BTW) but it won’t access quick controls. I also have tons of controllers mapped to various synths but the big advantage of VST Quick Controls with a controller is it’s bi-directional. I have it working perfectly, I just need a command to change pages…

Thanks, I meant remotely…

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I’m also interested to know if there’s a way …
We’re now on Cubase 10.5 (close to 11 I guess); I was wondering if you guys have found a work around about this

I have the same issue but I have noticed that it works in places. I can’t find a way to switch but Halion changes the page as you switch the Halion Channels. The Page is the Channel Number. The Quick controls then control the relevant bank of 8 controls.

It’s crazy that there’s not a page up/down mapping destination in the remote editor for page control of VST/Rack instruments. (Select Quick Control Layer as it’s referred to on screen).


What’s the point of allowing generic remote users being able to map to the 8 parameters, but not be able to change pages?!

To fall over at the final hurdle like this is typically Steinberg/Cubase in my experience, so close yet so far. It would probably take a day to rectify at most, but instead it just sits for years, meanwhile users spend a combined hundreds of hours discussing it, trying work arounds with third party apps etc. And It sucks.

Someone just sort this out, please. Because of this issue, people aren’t even aware of the possibilities as it’s never been given the chance to shine. Without the page change option it’s basically the same as Track Quick Controls - hence the confusion everyone has whenever it’s discussed.

I’ve tried all kinds of workarounds, and there’s just nothing as users we can do to fix this. :frowning:


Ever come up with a solution for this? I’m trying to map a bunch of synth controls to these pages. I leave the 1st page blank as I’m trying to avoid conflicts with the Track QC, which I prefer to use for track specific functions that are consistent across my template. It seems like a huge omission to have not given us a way to remotely scroll through these pages. What about in Cubase 12?

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Keep asking, asked before C12 where the new MIDI Remote was being added, asked since it was released as still not in, asked each maintenance update - still not added. Even spoke with one of the senior developers who offered no positivity to it being added, and just low understanding to it’s requirement:-

Kinda done with it really, been strung along for almost year and a half for the new MIDI Remote improvements. And as great as it is for immediate/graphical mappings (Loved it initially), it’s a step backwards from what was already there for deep mappings and they have no concept or road map to add paging.

With all the bugs and glitches, I started up my Presonus Sphere sub and been using REAPER last few weeks, just sick of waiting & sick of paying to beta test and explain such flaws to be honest.

What’s most infuriating, is that it’s a command that already exists but there’s absolutely no way you can map to it. It’s basically a free ticket to add functionality to your project.

So urm… No is the answer to your question! :slight_smile:

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Hi Skijumptoes

Thanks for your thorough response. That’s a bummer that this was the conclusion. It does seem like a lost opportunity to activate something relatively simple and very useful. I’ll keep pushing with the Yamaha/Steinberg folks that I know but sounds like it is WAY down there on the list.



I’m also looking for the key command to switch pages remotely… then I found this topic… I’m also looking for the key command to activate/deactivate focus… take a look here:

Greg Ondo covers how to select different “Pages” in a YouTube titled “Control All Plug-In Parameters with MIDI Remote | Cubase Q&A with Greg Ondo”.
I hope this answers your question. (Great question by the way.) Cheers.

Yep, I think the essential command is the bank switch up/down: