Anyone using NUGEN Stereoizer 3 on a MAC with WL12 Pro? Strange behaviour

I’ve bought NUGEN Stereoizer 3 some weeks ago, and it worked in the beginning. Now I have the problem, that I can’t change any setting . They immediately switch back to preset 1.
It works in Nuendo, and it works when I use Waves StudioRack as a wrapper.
And it even works on my Windows installation of WaveLab 12.
Even a project with a different preset opens always with preset 1 on my MAC.
I’ll ask the NUGEN support too, of course. But maybe someone has an idea?
I’ve uninstalled the plugin as described, cleared the cache and deactivated it with no success.
Anything I could reset in Wavelab?
All other plugins seem to work…
Thanks and regards,

Do you have a similar setting?

I don’t see something similar in Wavelab.
But it’s not only that the settings aren’t saved. I can’t even change them. Every button or dial immediately jumps back to the default setting.

The problem even became stranger today. Now my Windows installation shows the same behaviour. I’ve opened a Windows Wavlab project on the Mac and vice versa for testing - and it seems as if I’ve transfered the error to the other system.
It’s not only corrupted in that special project - but in any new one too.
I’ll ask NUGEN today - but it’s strange that only Wavelab shows this behaviour.

Montage randomly loses plugin settings when re-opened - WaveLab - Steinberg Forums

Interesting - but it’s not that the settings aren’t stored. They can’t be even made, as the plugin immediately reverts to default.
I can reproduce it in Windows when I import the corrupted file from my MAC.
Then even a new project doesn’t work with the plugin anymore. But when I re-open WL, it goes back to normal. On Windows, but not on the MAC.

Running NUGEN plugins on both my MAC and PC and they run fine. My problem is that when I try and reopen a NUGEN plugin in a saved setup WL will crash. It happens not all the time but enough to be upsetting. I contacted NUGEN and they are looking into the problem. Something with how their plugins interact with WL that is not quite correct.

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About 10 or 12 years ago I discovered NUGEN plugins and thought they were cool, different, and possibly very useful.

Then I tried using them in WaveLab and discovered a number of bugs. I spent some time reporting these bugs to NUGEN tech support and while they did respond to my messages and seemed to attempt fixing the issues, they never really fixed the bugs and got them to a usable point for me in WaveLab.

These days, when I get a new computer I don’t even install NUGEN plugins anymore.

Since I don’t install them anymore I can’t speak with any current findings but from what I’ve read on this forum and other places, it sounds like they haven’t really addressed these issues with their plugins in WaveLab.

NUGEN are really the only ones who can fix this but maybe they don’t have the resources or interest in testing their plugins in WaveLab.

FWIW, I’m on Mac and not Windows.

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Thank you, Justin.
I think too that I have to write to NUGEN. But first I wanted to find out if someone else has experience with this - as the problem only exists with Wavelab. I really like their Stereoizer, and maybe I will use it wrapped in the WAVES studio rack.
But let’s see what they say.
It reacts as if it sends its parameters to the DAW and gets the default setting echoed back.

There’s a number of plugins with issues that “only exist in WaveLab” and while it’s easy to blame WaveLab, usually it’s because the VST3 spec was not followed close enough combined with no real testing or support for WaveLab and that’s where the issues come in.

It seems many plugin developers just test their plugins in Cubase and assume WaveLab and other Steinberg DAWs will be fine too. Not the case.

I just don’t think you’re going to find a solution other than if NUGEN fixes it which I would not hold my breath for.

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I’m not blaming WavLab.
It seems as I will take the workaround and run this plugin within a plugin (in which it seems to work).
I’ve just tried a bit more with Stereoizer3 in WL12 (Windows) and things become even more fishy. I make my adjustments, and everything plays fine until I hit stop. When I press play again, the plugin reverts to default.
So… enough to report to NUGEN.
Thank you

Understood. I was just mentioning that as somebody who really wanted to use NUGEN plugins in WaveLab, they became too much of a hassle and liability so I moved on and use other things instead of NUGEN because life is short.

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