Assigning Keyboard Shortcuts to Each Source in the Main Control Room

I would like to request a feature to assign a keyboard shortcut to the Main Control Room Each Source. Currently, the only methods are clicking with the mouse or assigning a key to “Select Control Source”. However, with “Select Control Source”, it is not possible to switch back and forth between Cue1 and Mix. I have to cycle through Cue1 → Cue2 → Cue3 → Cue4 → Mix, which is very inconvenient.

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My current workaround is to just use one of the Cues for referencing and disabling the others so I can use the “Select Control Source” to switch between the Mix and Cue 1. May not work for you if you need more but yeah, I put in this exact request years ago and they’ve still not added the option :confused:

If you want to go “vote” on that one. Not sure if the voting system actually does anything but they claim they use it to determine feature priority or something.

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Thank you. I will vote as well. I hope many people vote for it, and that it gets implemented as soon as possible.