Bar crossing Tschaikovsky

I’m still working on Tschaikowski’s Piano Concerto No. 1…

My question: How can I move the upper notes to the right-hand piano:

The original looks like this:

Do I have to do it manually by marking each upper note and do cross staff (that works) or can I do it otherwise? (that makes one more evening, because there are lots of bars…)?



Yes. But you can use ctrl-click to select lots of notes and then use N/M once to move them all.

(Edit: You could also do a marquee selection in the Key Editor to select the notes. That might be quicker)

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Here is the link to my post How can one write alternating octaves? and Daniel’s solution in case it is useful.

Good link. I remember when I first needed to do some cross staff notation, especially with the beam centered. I had learned it the hard way. I no longer fear running into these kinds of problems, though. I’ve been able to grok Dorico over time because its so well designed.

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