How do I define a keystroke shortcuts for note beaming?? If theyalready exist, what is it?? I find that some of my XML imported scores will take 4 16ths and beam them together with 2 8ths. I figured out how to correct this by selecting the notes in question, then following the path Edit>Notations>Beaming>. I believe the shortcut in Finale was “Cmd /”
There are no default shortcuts for those commands – otherwise you would see them in the menu – but you can of course set your own shortcuts for any command in Dorico’s Preferences > Key Commands. It will tell you if the shortcut is already in use.
Firstly, if Dorico is always beaming things in a particular way, DON’T manually change every single beam – go to Notation Options and look through the Beam Grouping settings, to see if you can globally configure the Flow as you want it.
Then, and only then, should you start manually adjusting things.
Also, note that XML imports might contain ‘forced’ beaming that overrides Dorico’s defaults, and you may need to Reset the Beaming for it to behave properly.
Do a changes in Notation Options effect the existing score that is being worked or just additional notations that are added?? I made a few changes in Notation Options, but they didn’t take effect in the existing score. Maybe it would use those options when I initially import the XML file?