Hi @Sound-Board, I’m pretty speechless . And @Giampaolo_Gesuale, you have to make a youtube video as soon you have it
shouldn’t be an issue. Let me download your template and have a look. do you have it in another format (which drawing package etc) as I’d need to print with some bleed before cutting? if you google me (James Clark) you should be able to find an email for me… email me directly and we should discuss
this is one of the vinyl designs i have made for my cutomised BRF2000 whch has cubase track controls, UAudio console control and CC control for orchestral instruments all in the one unit. I still love this equipment!
Mine was just a fast label … Let me do something that’s worthy of your job, including a cutting layer.
This looks amazing.
Very cool …
Hi there! Great job! How did you manage to place it on the fader area? Have you removed the buttons? I assumed it was a lot of effort to cut all the empty spaces, right?
I 've try to make a layer also, but all schemes I found on net were not fiting exaclty on the surface. Could you upload yours please?
I have a computer controlled cutting device, cutting out the holes is no problem
My design is in a proprietary software I don’t think it can be shared, sorry
You’ve got 4 rotary encoders without a function…
I know… I would like to leave some of them for custom assignement.
Alternatively, any suggestion to assign to something really useful?
Hi Giampaolo,
I had some time finally to play around with the BCR Remote and it’s working great.
Two of the unused encoders could probably serve for selecting the Hi/Lo Pass filters slope?
I’ve hunted down a little bug in your script: when rec enabling a track directly in Cubase, it isn’t reflected on the BCR (no feedback, light stays off). Neither does it reflect the automatic record enable function when switching tracks.
Thanks again for the script. Revives my BCR to a new life
Thank you for testing my script!
Bug fixed
behringer_bcr2000-midi_remote v1.6.2.zip (3.6 KB)
You’re the best, it’s working!
@Jochen_Trappe , what does the Control Layer Zone buy you? I see that you assign the group of encoders to a control layer zone, but I don’t see where you use the control layer zones. Is there something I’m missing?
It seems he uses them on a switch. One layer if pressed and one layer on release (or On and Off of a switch).
I think that’s the subpages. He uses a switch to select one or the other subpage. But I don’t see the connection to the control layer zone assignments.
Some background info (feel free to skip ):
A “Control Layer Zone” is very similar to a “Sub Page Area”. Just a little hint regarding our wording. Technically we always talk about single things (objects) or multiple things (lists or arrays of objects). In the API we always have to find a good-enough-ish naming that doesn’t lead to confusion. So the word “Sub Page Area” means “list/array of Sub Pages”. And “Control Layer Zone” means “list/array of Control Layers”.
And here is the answer to your question:
A Control Layer Zone groups a bunch of hardware controls that depend on a HARDWARE SIDED switch which changes the MIDI message type. You’ll find those on a lot of MIDI controllers, like the Behringer BCR2000/BCF2000, KORG nanoKONTROL1 (v2 I don’t know exactly). The manufacturers sometimes call them “Encoder Groups” or just “Pages”.
The problem with these is that the switch itself often doesn’t send a MIDI message (BCR2000) but the software needs to know the switch-state. The compromise solution was to wait for the first MIDI message that matches the switch-state to update the GUI of the Control Layer Zone…
… hope my (a bit too long) explanation helps
Thanks - I will download the BCR2000 documentation and investigate. I’m currently developing for the Mackie C4 and it’s going rather well so far. I have most of the feedback working and have figured out how to get info from cubase for the displays. Working on an EQ Mixer page to start with. Will upload to github and make a post when its (mostly) ready.