OK - no luck in connecting 2 X-Touch using USB - Cubase cannot route to these USB midi ports correctly, maybe because they have identical names. This may also have something to do with Cubase not recognizing USB devices unless they are connected before Cubase runs… (Still a pain - despite the refresh button!) since the Behringer chaps have said that the units should be powered on after the DAW software starts.
However, I am able to cascade the X-Touches by setting #2 to Midi rather than USB control, and hooking midi cables between #1 and#2.
Then I am able to access X-Touch#1 with
Mackie Control → X-Touch (Port #1)
and X-Touch#2 with
Mackie Contro2 → #1 midiinout(X-Touch) port #1.
Notice that both are using the #1 X-Touch ports - #2 X-Touch ports are un-mappable…(if that’s a word)
Of course this will not work with THREE X-Touch - so I will investigate Ethernet next.
Incidentally - the hookup this way works flawlessly - showing that Behringer have indeed implemented the Mackie Control protocol correctly.
I am also hoping that Uli Behringer will get the expander units out before too long - although since it took 2 years to get the X-Touch out, I shan’t hold my breath!!
Hope this is of assistance to others out there…