ahhh, ok!
Well, working the same way as it does when in MC mode + having the “double panner” and autobanking to the selected channel is all I could ever hope for/need!
It would be super super super great!!
Thank you soooo much!
ahhh, ok!
Well, working the same way as it does when in MC mode + having the “double panner” and autobanking to the selected channel is all I could ever hope for/need!
It would be super super super great!!
Thank you soooo much!
OK, so only one page.
I have one other project I have to finish first. Then I will have a look to this one.
If you could send me a link to the manual/MIDI Specification, it would save my time. Thank you
Yes, one page is enough! When you make a script like this, will I still be able to change assignments directly from MIDIremote in cubase? If not, then I would ask you for a few specific functions for the buttons, just some simply customization the MC protocol allows for!
Unfortunately the MIDI Specification for the X-Touch One is none, and the only available manual is a terribly simple “Quickstart Guide”.
But I have found a script made for it to work in Ableton Live, maybe it will help you?
People in the forum were saying it worked!
the files are at:
the forum post for reference is this:
If this script doesn’t help you, I can put it through a MIDI monitor and write down all the messages, right?
Thank you again my friend!
Yes, you will be able to do so.
Unfortunately I’m still missing the MIDI Messages, the device sends out.
Hey Martin!
If I knew it would be so easy to map the midi messages I would have done it at once!
This is with the device in MIDI mode.
In MC mode the only difference I’ve noticed is one button doesn’t send MIDI and the fader message is pitch bend. Do you need the messages in MC mode as well?
Please tell me if this is enough!
Thank you very much!
This might me OK for the beginning. Thank you.
I just don’t see how to print to the display.
I’m sorry, you mean make the display show the track names and also the counter show position,etc?
Where could I find such info?
By the way, I’ve counted 192 messages in one full fader motion. Is this enough for the high resolution MC has? Is there some other message I’m not getting?
Martin, I thought maybe if I used cubase with midiOX monitoring the output, I could grab the messages for the displays, etc. But the Xtouch says theres not enough memory for that.
What’s the alternative?
Thank you!
The display is most probably using SysEx. I expect it will use the same principle as the Mackie Control Protocol. I will need just the header.
Please bear with me cause I’m not familiar with the subject, but I’m trying!
I have found this:
X-Touch-one MIDI mode implementation:
Buttons (standard MIDI mode):
- Note on #0..34 (push: velocity 127, release: velocity 0)
Buttons (MIDI CC mode):
- CC #0..34 (push: value 127, release: value 0)
Button Leds:
- Note on #0..34 (velocity 0..63: off, velocity 64: flash, velocity 65..127: on)
- CC #0..34 (value 0..63: off, value 64: flash, value 65..127: on)
- Control change 70 (receive and transmit)
Fader Touch:
- Note on #110 (touch: velocity 127, release: velocity 0)
- absolute mode: Control change 80 (value 0..127)
- relative mode: Control change 80 (increment: value 65, decrement: value 1)
Encoder Ring:
- Control change 80 (value 0..127)
Jog Wheel:
- Control change 88 (turn CW: value 65, CCW: value 1)
Meter Leds:
- Control change 90 (value 0..127)
Foot Switch:
- Control change 64 (push: velocity 127, release: velocity 0)
- sysex (hex) F0 00 20 32 41 4C 00 cc c1 .. c14 F7
- cc: bits 0-2: backlight color (black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white)
- cc: bit 4: invert upper half of LCD
- cc: bit 5: invert lower half of LCD
- c1..c14: ascii characters (1..7: upper half, 8..14: lower half)
Segment Displays:
- sysex (hex) F0 00 20 32 41 37 s1 .. s12 d1 d2 F7
- s1..s12: segment data (bit 0: segment a, .. bit 6: segment g)
- d1: dots for displays 1..7 (bit 0: display 1, .. bit 6: display 7)
- d2: dots for displays 8..12 (bit 0: display 8, .. bit 4: display 12)
Is this useful?
I’ll keep searching!
Does it look familiar to you (I’m using the Cubase Overlay)?
Or do you use the Cubase Overlay?
Btw, I had a look to the MIDI Remote API specification and it seems only the L panner has been implemented. Sorry.
Hey Martin! haha! thats great, it looks perfect!
Regarding your questions:
I would like to know, what MIDI Message does the Encoder sends, if you push it?
000003B1 6 – 90 00 7F 1 C -1 Note On
00000486 6 – 90 00 00 1 C -1 Note Off
I'm also not 100% sure about some buttons. I don’t know, what does the Scrub button sends
000FB1A1 6 – 90 1D 7F 1 F 1 Note On
000FB230 6 – 90 1D 00 1 F 1 Note Off
And the Arrow/Zoom buttons.
00106A5B 6 – 90 1E 7F 1 F# 1 Note On
00106AE5 6 – 90 1E 00 1 F# 1 Note Off
00106EE4 6 – 90 22 7F 1 Bb 1 Note On
00106F86 6 – 90 22 00 1 Bb 1 Note Off
001072E9 6 – 90 1F 7F 1 G 1 Note On
0010738B 6 – 90 1F 00 1 G 1 Note Off
001076BC 6 – 90 21 7F 1 A 1 Note On
00107752 6 – 90 21 00 1 A 1 Note Off
00107B50 6 – 90 20 7F 1 G# 1 Note On
00107BD7 6 – 90 20 00 1 G# 1 Note Off
In fact, I don’t know how is the MIDI CCs line look like.
I’m not sure I understand what you mean!
What should I assign to the F1-F8 buttons?
What should I assign to the Nudge, Drop, Replace, (Transport) Solo?
I’ve been using it in Cubase mode, with the cubase overlay!
The F1-F4 buttons I’ve put them as:
Channel Strip - Snap on/off - Snap to grid - Snap to Events
What is the difference between the Bank and Chanel Left and Right? As this is one fader device, I would say the bank is 1 channel, so in both cases, it jumps over 1 channel. Or am I wrong?
The bank button is because this is a Mackie Control device, it can only see 8 channels at once. So for the device to sync to the selected channel, you have to “bank” it until the selected channel is within the selected bank. And that’s terrible in big track counts! Actually the whole purpose of you - very generously - making a script for this device, is to get rid of the need to bank! I’m not sure what I’ll use those buttons for yet, though! If you want you can leave them empty and I’ll think of which function I’d like to assign them to!
Thank you ever so much for your help!!
And please let me know if I have answered your questions well enough!
P.s: about the panneer thing, you mean only the L panner is addressable in any controller? oh, thats sad, oh steinberg…! hehehahahah!!
Great, thank you for the info.
Do I have few more questions.
Of you ours the Master, does it change the controlling of the Fader and the Encoder only? Or does Solo, Mute, Select, Read and Write works for the Master too then?
What should I assign to the Push Encoder, is we cannot sign the other but L Pan? Should I assign what is written in the overlay? Or for example Records Enable?
Anything else I should know?
Thank you!
And please, as many questions as you want!
To be honest I had never used the Master, and testing it now, it seems that the fader controls the master fader level; mute, solo, rec, dont work; read/write remain with the selected channel; encoder doesn’t work; and the rest works as usual, either globally or with the selected channel!
Kinda useless if you ask me, cause I never mess with master fader level! hehehe
Regarding the push encoder, could you please assign it to change panner to “stereo combined” mode on the selected track? Cause then at least it is one step towards controlling the right channel, and I can do that with the mouse wheel!
I believe thats it! I can’t wait! hehehhe!!!
Thank you so much!
This is what I would definitely expect and do.
I would keep it on the Selected Track then.
OK, I will follow this.
I would keep in on the selected track. So only the Fader controls the Master Volume then. Is it OK?
Unfortunately there is no Key Command for this, so I cannot assign.
Would you like to change the encoder to the AI Knob, if you press it?
One more question: How is the MIDI Port (In and Out) named, please?
I would keep in on the selected track. So only the Fader controls the Master Volume then. Is it OK?
Super OK! also all of the above, just perfect!
Unfortunately there is no Key Command for this, so I cannot assign.
Would you like to change the encoder to the AI Knob, if you press it?
Oh that’s unfortunate! I hope Steinberg adds these commands to the otherwise great MIDI Remote.
In this case I guess changing to AI knob would be perfect! Thank you!
The midi port in and out are both called “X-Touch One”
Thank you!
Or we can use the big knob to Scrub / AI Knob. This could be even better, I would say. What do you mean?
The “Big knob” you mean the Jog Wheel?
I need that as a Jog Wheel at all times!
I already have another knob that I use as an AI knob, so just the push encoder as AI, just to be more intuitive when I’m moving the R pan is already enough!
Thank you!
I sent you Ready For Testing Alpha version via Private Message.
Hi Martin! Can I also get an alpha version for testing??