Boxed Text Font (updated)

Hmm, very interesting. Well, I know a new font project like this can really get out of hand making changes, so no problem if it isn’t something that is easy to fix. Thanks!

I guess your using FontCreator for making musGlyph, I used to use it in 2003, and hinting/smoothing font on such software is tricky,

necesito ayuda, cómo se instala la fuente Norboxes en Dórico, qué tengo que hacer… Gracias

I need help, how to install the Norboxes font in Doric, what do I have to do… Thank you



I will later create two installers for macOS and Windows.

Thanks a lot for your support my friends, NorBOXES v1.2 fonts will be soon available on

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only tangentially related, but regarding music fonts:

is there a music font where the accent mark > is vertically narrower? I find that too many fonts use a really wide open accent symbol, I prefer a tighter, more closed version.

See FredGUnn’s font comparison here (scroll down):
[Additional Music Fonts - #22 by FredGUnn]
Finale Engraver has a nice one.

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Have a look at my website too: :wink:


It would be nice if you could make the same type of comparison as FredGUnn’s for your NorFonts. Sometimes it’s better to see just the symbols without any music. As the old saying goes, “can’t see the forest for the trees”.

I will…someday.

by the way, Nor, the score and parts where I used your new font is going out to the orchestra in a few week.
this is after the premiere, a few changes were brought to the score (musically), and now I also get to make the parts look better with boxed instrument names :grinning:


Nice!! Après tu me laisses ma petite part du gâteau :smiley:

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Hey, is there any news in this? I could also really use it in my current project, as it turned out!

You can try the version I put here in this thread, but still unavailable from Notation Central by @Philip_R .


I will update some more my NorBoxes before they go to NC. Stay tuned.

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A huge THANK YOU to Dorico developers, to Daniel for taking in consideration Border Styles I demonstared with my font. So no need to use my NorBOXES font. :smiley:


except the NorBoxes font is still needed for instrument names in the parts layout, right?

as far as I can tell, there’s no way to add an enclosure around the instrument name that appears at the top left of a part (like “Flute 1”, “Flute 2”, Violin 1", “Left-Handed Sewer Pipe 3” etc…)

Sorry, but the new feature add in Dorico 4.3.20 can do it! See below:


AHA! ok, thank-you, I was looking in the wrong place (I was trying it from the layout page formatting)


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ok, I’m having trouble with this.

I set the token for Layoutname, and there’s one for PrjectDedication.
The former is supposed to have an enclosure, while the latter is supposed to be Italic and no enclosure.

But no matter what I do, the LayoutName comes out in regular text, while the dedication comes out in MUCH too large ext, normal Roman type, and with an enclosure.


OK, massive problems here.
The program basically screwed up completely. I’d change things for the parts, it would let me close out from one part, but not from the others (when I went to write mode in any part other than that initial part, it showed a blank page with the text boxes!)