BUG: 6.0.2 - Clicking point in automation lane moves it

The more I think about this, the more I feel like this is “close to” a data corruption bug. Because if the user doesn’t catch the fact that the point moved at the time, it could get missed in the mix… and then the mix goes to the client or mastering, or gets pressed to CD with an unintended automaton change that could affect the whole track–moving one automation point in a sparsely populated automation lane could literally change the values from the beginning to the end of the track.

Data corruption bugs are typically taken very, very, very seriously.

Just a thought :wink:

I do not see such a discussion in this thread. :slight_smile:

So you per accident change the settings of a track that you do not whish to change without pref “Event Selection Follows Track Selection”. It is not quite clear to me how you go about making changes to a track with your current workflow. I would assume that you make track changes on the mixer that is on another screen or below the arrangement page, but I’m not sure. Regarding this another preference interdependency comes to mind namely “Preferences–> Editing–> Project Mixer → Sync Project and Mixer Selection”. This pref is on by default and if it is on this means that any track that is selected in the project page is also selected in the mixer.

Another point you might be interested in for your current workflow:
There is also the possibility to move the “e” on the tracks in the tracklist further up. So even when the tracks are in a small scale level you still have direct and quick access to the “e” buttons on the tracks. To do this you can right click on a track in the track list and then choose “Track Control Settings”. On the left list you now choose “Edit Channel Settings”. Once you have selected this click on the “Move Up” button so “Edit Channel Settings” is all the way on the top. You might want to check if that nice for you if you have not done so already.

Just to point out, there is ways to unmistakably open the channel settings of the track on which you have selected an event without the pref as my macro shows.

I still think that as there is no video out there and I have not seen a user in real live using this feature that this is an indication that these prefs are more often off then on. I still think that it is ok to say that it is uncommon to use them as they are not common settings that are on by default and that it is of course a combination of preferences.

I agree, yes it is very interesting end eye opening to see, hear and read how others work as well as reproduce there workflows to fully comprehend with all detailed aspects where they are actually coming from. In our beloved Cubase, let’s say audio engineering and digital audio in general, there are always a lot ways to convert a thought. :slight_smile:


Thanks for taking so much time to address this issue. When you log a bug, do you get DEV/Test cost prior to determining it’s fate? I’d love to know how much this bug costs to fix. I suspect it’s quite small since some cases seem to already be fixed.

We used to have this dev on our team that would look at a bug and if it was embarrassing like this his phrase for it is ‘we’re showing our underpants’ for bugs that were embarrassing like this :wink: