Bug: VariAudio content/Audio Editor window strangeness


There is a issue where, under certain circumstances, the VariAudio view would vertically scroll on its own when resizing the Editor window.
The issue occurs with both the Lower Zone Editor and the External Editor.

Reproduction sequence :

  • Open the Lower Zone Editor,
  • Select an Audio Event,
  • In the Editor, open the VariAudio tab,
  • Click the Edit VariAudio button to analyze the audio,
  • Close the VariAudio tab to exit the Edit mode,
  • Open the VariAudio tab,
  • Grab either the top or the bottom of the Editor window and slowly resize it. (the direction does not matter)
  • Result : The Editor scrolls up on its own during the process.
    (while in that state, you can scroll down again and resize as long as you want for maximum entertainment.)

Additional information :

  • The issue will only occur once the Audio has been analyzed.
  • The issue does not occur when VariAudio is in Edit mode, it only occurs when it is out of Edit mode (grayed notes),
  • The issue does not occur when we resize the Editor window from its sides,
  • The issue also occurs when adjusting the piano roll height with its slider at the bottom right of the Editor.

Added to the issues list, number 32.