I am using AI knob since Cubase 12.
It’s configured via Midi Remote using the mapping assistant.
AI knob dial is linked to midi channel 16 cc 0.
AI knob locked/unlocked is linked to midi channel 16 note 0.
I don’t use a real AI knob from Steinberg/Yamaha. I use a hardware knob that sends/receives ch16 cc0 when is rotated and a button that sends/receives ch16 note0 when it’s pressed.
USE CASE of “AI knob in unlocked mode is not updating its cc midi value when the mouse pointer hovers different faders or knobs”
Previoulsy, i.e. in Cubase 12, every time the mouse pointer was hovering a parameter that can be controlled by the AI knob, Cubase sent a midi message like ch16 cc0 value xx , being the value xx the position of the parameter.
As example, if the mouse pointer was hovering a fader at the top, Cubase sent ch16 cc0 value127. After that, if the mouse pointer moved to a centered panorama, Cubase sent ch16 cc0 value 63. And so on.
What I am experiencing now is that Cubase is not sending any midi message when the mouse pointer moves along different parameters.
If I want that Cubase sends the midi message, I have to click in the parameter.
As example, if I click a fader of the mixconsole, the midi message is sent.
But i.e. I can’t get any midi message from a panorama slider in the mixconsole. If I click the panorama of channel 1 in the mixconsole, Cubase is not sending nothing.
A detailed example:
Let’s say I have two channels in the mixconsole, and both channels are panned left at 100%. I move my mouse pointer to hover the panorama of the first channel, and using the AI knob I set the panorama to right at 100%. Then I move the mouse pointer to hover the panorama of the second channel. I rotate a little bit the AI knob to the right. The pan of this second channel will go from panned 100% left to panned 100% right (roughly).
USE CASE of " AI knob in locked mode looses the link to the locked parameter if I click another parameter or if I select another track"
Let’s say I hover the fader of the first channel of the mixconsole, and I press the button to lock the AI knob to that fader.
I can move the mouse pointer anywhere and the AI knob seems to work fine, as everytime I rotate the AI knob the fader of channel 1 moves accordingly, no matter where the mouse pointer is.
But if I select another track that is not the first channel, the AI knob locked stops working and doesn’t do nothing.
Furthermore, if I click the fader of the second channel, the locked AI knob changes its link and then it is locked to the fader of the channel 2.
Previously, when I locked the AI knob to a parameter, this link was never broken in any circumstance, except if I unlock it or I close the project or quit the app.