You can’t select notes without selecting the tie, at least not in Write mode. You can do it in Engrave mode, but it’s a little fiddly. Filtering helps.
Maybe you could tell us what you’re trying to achieve, and there might be another way to accomplish it.
I’m just trying to copy all the data inside of a measure, minus any of the ties that occur outside of the measure. Therefore I can copy and paste that 4-beat measure throughout my score.
I just made a solution that involved making a keyboard shortcut to execute a multi 7-button hotkey command. It’s a bit tedious, but it works for the short term.
I’m afraid there’s no simple solution. The way Dorico treats ties has advantages and disadvantages, depending on the situation. This is the latter.
Today I was actually needing to rapidly write some percussion parts that had lots of scenarios with tied notes that had a tremolo on only the first note in the chain. After fooling around with repeatedly setting the tremolo property in Engrave mode, I ended up just making them slurs instead of ties, which was much faster (shh, don’t tell).
All that to say, I agree there are a handful of times where the behavior of ties is a bit of a hindrance.
Using slurs instead of ties is actually how I solved my problem too. My multi-keyboard shortcut presses “U” to undo the tie, then “S” to create a slur, then “shift + left” to highlight the previous notehead. Thanks Dan!
Now when I select my entire measure then the slurs get ignored. The only downside is if I have a chord that needs to be tied to another chord - but since I write single notes for violins and trumpets (instead of chords on pianos and xylophones) then that’s not an issue at all.
This is not directly a solution or response to your problem, but it’s worth pointing out that there are two additional ways to paste that you might not be aware of (judging solely based on your clip here) that might at least mitigate the problem to some extent. You very well could already know this, but if by chance not, here you go:
The first is that with a selection made (and without using ctrl/cmd-c to copy), simply alt-click (is that option-click for Mac? I can never remember) at the spot in the score where you wish to paste. The upside of this is that you can paste at any rhythmic position quickly and without having to make a new selection before you paste.
The other way is to make a selection, use ctrl/cmd-c to copy, then double click at approximately the spot where you wish to paste it, which will invoke the note input caret, adjust the rhythmic position of the caret if you need to with the arrow keys (if perhaps your aim was off), and then ctrl/cmd-v to paste.
Hope this is helpful!
@dan_kreider Slurs instead of ties for finishing strokes in percussion? Gasp! Normally I’d say we’d have to report such an infraction to Elaine Gould and her deputies, but she turns out not to have written this rule down. Womp
Here’s a video I made to show how Dorico’s ties are better as slurs:
When writing fugues, you would normally copy and paste “per measure” since the contrapuntal movement is based on beat 1 (regardless of whether there’s a tie connected to it).
If there was a user-option where I could tell Dorico to not include ties outside of a measure, then it would solve my problem.
Looking at what you want to do, surely the simplest approach is to cut the ties to isolate the bar, do your copy/pasting, then reattach the ties where they make musical sense?
Personally I just love the way I can select a whole fugue subject, ties and all, then paste it at any grid position and transpose it by any interval with a handful of keystrokes.