Change key signature symbols

I’ve been experimenting with replacing symbols to make my incipits use the original Renaissance symbols, with Ben Wigfield’s Lassus file as a starting point. I’ve been able to change the clef and time signature symbols and modify the notehead sets:

What I can’t figure out is how to change the symbol in a key signature. I saw that figured bass flats are a changeable musical symbol, but I can’t figure out how to make horizontal space for those in front. Here’s an example (different piece) of an incipit from Lilypond:

Any ideas?

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You could I suppose create your own custom accidentals, and your own custom key signature, and then create that in the additional bar you have at the start of the flow?

That worked! Excellent!

Is it possible to have two accidentals on the same note (i.e. two b-flats in two different octaves)? This occurs sometimes, especially in bass clef.

Now to figure out rest symbols.

I figured out how to fake the rest symbols with a different notehead set, but it seems it’s not possible to show any rests in these incipits because Dorico tries to line up the rhythms. Any long rests at the beginning such as the ones below push the subsequent notes too far. Here’s an example from Lilypond where rhythm is completely ignored in horizontal spacing:

Any spacing hacks or other ways to replicate this that I’m missing? (This also shows an example of double B-flats.)