Hello! I’ve read this post, and am willing to accept the sometimes-disconnected relationship between the syntax of the chord symbol popover, and the resultant displayed chord symbol.
Like in the above linked post, I prefer “2” chords over “sus2.” I of course selected that in Engraving Options, but when I type “Bb2” in the chord popover, I get a Gbb chord - not sure where the G comes from, but I suppose the “2” is interpreted as 2 flats. When I type Bbsus2, I get my desired Bb2 symbol. Fair enough.
It has occurred to me, though, that that relationship (between the chord popover syntax and the resultant displayed chord) is similar to the relationship between an alias in the Jump Bar and its associated command. The difference is that we can set our own “jump bar alias” for each/any command in Dorico > Preferences > Key Commands. Would it possible to implement the same type of idea for chords? to make a custom “alias” for a chord symbol? perhaps in the Chord Symbols window, and the alias would be assocated with a specific chord in the “Project Default Appearances” list?
I am not a software developer, so please feel free to put me in my place! If this idea were possible, it could speed up and make more logical the process of inputting chord symbols.