Computer keyboard note entry auditioning -- play notes on input but not selection?

Using “pitch before duration” and the computer keyboard up/down arrows to select the pitch before adding a note by hitting the duration # (natively alt+up or down, but I switched some hotkeys – I love how easy it is to do that in Dorico). Admittedly, this is my attempt to recreate the way I used in Finale speedy entry. I have noticed other Finale refugees mention this also. I’m impressed Dorico is flexible enough that there is a way to do this.

The issue is that I hear every note as I move the entry point up and down on the staff prior to inputting the note, rather than just the note I input (when I hit the duration key), then hear the note again when I input it, which really slows down the process. Is there a way to turn off note playback on selection but still hear it on input?

I have practiced with Dorico’s native A-G computer keyboard note entry system, and I have used MIDI keyboards for input (and I understand that “noodling” before inputting a note is important in the MIDI composing context, which is why many would specifically want the note-auditioning process to be as it is) – I know the alternatives, and I can make them work if I have to. But there was a simplicity and immediacy to the arrow keys +duration for single lines of music that’s hard to match.

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You will find that this is a very common topic here in the forum, including in this recent thread:

For now I’m afraid you’ll find that Speedy Entry is approachable (with some great perspectives and advice in that thread), but not quite achievable.

If you’ll read what I wrote, you’ll notice that I actually found a way to do in Dorico exactly the thing I wanted (and got significantly further than those in the thread you linked). Dorico note input is doing what I wanted it to do.

I asked a specific question about note auditioning and playback as I input notes. Do you have an answer?

Sorry to have come across as dismissive or inattentive, @stutzmanj. It’s been a flurry of activity this week here on the forum!

What I was clumsily trying to communicate was that the full streamlined Speedy Entry experience is not achievable, at least as Dorico stands. I thought that @dan_kreider’s comments on that thread in particular would resonate with you.

I don’t know of any way to silence playback on pitch selection but have it play on rhythmic input. But there may be someone else here who does.

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OK, thanks. I am a little puzzled by those threads, as Dorico actually CAN do the thing we are looking for. Just remap the raise pitch by step / lower pitch by step keys to up and down arrow, then set it to input pitch first (as pianoleo says). At that point, it works very much like Finale’s Speedy Entry. It’s usable that way, even with the playback problem.

It’s not a note entry problem. Dorico already has what Finale Speedy Entry had. It’s a note playback issue. Separate the note entry playback from the note repositioning playback, and this problem for Finale crossovers is completely solved. I haven’t seen it framed that way in other threads.

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