Console 1 Fader Mk III Direct DAW Control capability needed for Nuendo (not the same as Cubase!)

I was led to believe that the brand new Console 1 Fader Mk III would work with the full Direct DAW control features as Cubase, but that is not the case. It requires plug-in instantiation on every channel you wish to use the device on, as the previous models did, which is infuriating to find out post-purchase. This is a feature request to get that working with Nuendo ASAP!

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Maybe this is the wrong place to ask, since this is not the Softtube forum.

Look here : This will change EVERYTHING about FADERS! Softube Fader MK3 - YouTube

I brought it up here because Softube’s tech support told me that they are already working with Steinberg to get this functional, so I’m just putting it up here to let Steinberg know it’s important.

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Yes, that is the video that got me excited about this device. However, it only works without plug-in instantiation with Cubase 13, NOT Nuendo.

Ah that is a shame… i mean they are not literally advertising it to work with nuendo but one would assume it should work. Hope they fix it soon. In the meantime i hope for you that the plugin ‘workaround’ keeps you going.